Betrayed by a Friend

April 17, 2019 DAILY READING John 13:21-32This weekend’s reading: Matthew 28:1-10 FIELD NOTES Our scripture passage for today recounts how Jesus, greatly troubled in spirit, announces to the group of his closest friends that one of them will betray him. Can you imagine how Jesus must have felt? Out of the friends whom he had…

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Escape from the Dark

April 16, 2019 DAILY READING John 12:20-36This weekend’s reading: Matthew 28:1-10 FIELD NOTES A few years ago I went with my co-workers to one of those “escape” game places — where they lock you in a room and you have an hour to uncover clues to free yourself. The employee showed us to the room,…

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Extravagant Love

April 15, 2019 DAILY READING John 12:1-11This weekend’s reading: Matthew 28:1-10 FIELD NOTES Martha, Mary and Lazarus — two sisters and a brother — were close friends of Jesus. It’s likely he went to their home in Bethany often (John 11:5, Luke 10:38, John 11:1-44) and during Holy Week it may well have been his…

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Let Your Face Shine Upon Me

April 13, 2019 DAILY READING Psalm 31:9-16This weekend’s reading: Luke 23:32-43 FIELD NOTES Psalm 31:16 says, “Let your face shine upon your servant; save me in your steadfast love.” According to the Wesley Study Bible, “God’s ‘face’ is the divine presence that signifies protection for those upon whom it shines.” As a high school student, my…

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Being Invisible

April 12, 2019 DAILY READING Psalm 31:9-16This weekend’s reading: Luke 23:32-43 FIELD NOTES I’m struck today by verses 11-12: “I’m a joke to all my enemies, still worse to my neighbors. I scare my friends, and whoever sees me in the street runs away! I am forgotten, like I’m dead, completely out of mind; I am like a piece…

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A Prayer for Deliverance

April 11, 2019 DAILY READING Psalm 31:9-16This weekend’s reading: Luke 23:32-43 FIELD NOTES The psalms are full of raw human emotion. In them we see the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. As we turn to Psalm 31:9-16, we will see deep despair and isolation. Read the psalm through a few times, then…

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Sacrificial Leadership

April 10, 2019 DAILY READING Psalm 20This weekend’s reading: Luke 23:32-43 FIELD NOTES Psalm 20:3 says, “May [God] remember all your offerings, and regard with favor your burnt sacrifices.” The psalmist is praying that God will look kindly upon the King because he has shown loyalty to God through his religious observances. Though we don’t offer…

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Prideful Leadership

April 9, 2019 DAILY READING Psalm 20This weekend’s reading: Luke 23:32-43 FIELD NOTES Psalm 20 is a prayer for the King of Israel. The people ask that God answer the King in times of trouble, grant him his heart’s desire, and fulfill his plans for the nation. I find verses 7-8 particularly convicting: “Some take pride in…

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Prayerful Leadership

April 8, 2019 DAILY READING Psalm 20This weekend’s reading: Mark 15:1-15  FIELD NOTES This week, let us journey through the listed lectionary Psalms together. The first three days we will meditate on Psalm 20. Then Thursday, Friday, and Saturday we will turn our eyes to Psalm 31:9-16. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God!…

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