God’s Presence

August 16, 2017 Daily Reading (Click to read each Scripture)Psalm 28Genesis 40:1-23Matthew 8:23-27This week’s sermon text: Romans 2:17-29 Field NotesPsalm 28 is a prayer of David. Notice the pattern within the psalm: supplication, praise, and affirmation. Imagine a scenario during which David might pray this prayer. What forms the basis for the prayer? Surely, David’s…

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It’s a Mystery

August 15, 2017 Daily Reading (Click to read each Scripture)Genesis 39:1-23Romans 9:14-29Psalm 28This week’s sermon text: Romans 2:17-29 Field NotesHow does God make decisions? That is the question. And the answer is we are created and he is the Creator. So, why even bother to ask the question? I suppose because we are human. We…

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Holy Smoke!

August 14, 2017 Daily Reading (Click to read each Scripture)Genesis 37:29-362 Peter 2:4-10Psalm 28This week’s sermon text: Romans 2:17-29 Field NotesPeter is writing to give some final words of instruction and encouragement to Church. He especially warns of false teachers who use the teachings of Christ for their own benefit or preach the Word while…

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Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign

August 12, 2017 Daily Reading (Click to read each Scripture)Matthew 16:1-4Psalm 85:8-13This week’s sermon text: Romans 1:18-21 Field NotesToday’s reading shows us an unlikely collaboration between the conservative Pharisees and the liberal Sadducees united in their attempt to discredit Jesus by asking for a sign from heaven. They weren’t interested in a sign to help…

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Will the Real God Please Stand Up!

August 11, 2017 Daily Reading (Click to read each Scripture)1 Kings 18:17-19, 30-40Psalm 85:8-13This week’s sermon text: Romans 1:18-21 Field NotesToday’s reading tells the story of an epic contest between the false god Baal and the one and only true God of Israel, Yahweh. Here’s a little backstory…Elijah was a prophet of Yahweh. He was…

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Beginner’s Mind

August 10, 2017 Daily Reading (Click to read each Scripture)Acts 17:10-15Psalm 78:1-8, 17-29This week’s sermon text: Romans 1:18-21 Field NotesOur scripture reading today tells of a congregation of Jewish people living in Berea, a city in Macedonia about 50 miles southwest of Thessalonica. Paul and his colleague Silas were sent there to share the good…

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Hey, We Get to Help!

August 9, 2017 Daily Reading (Click to read each Scripture)Matthew 15:32-39Psalm 78:1-8, 17-29This week’s sermon text: Romans 1:18-21 Field NotesImagine the scene: thousands of people gathered in the wilderness to listen to this amazing young preacher, Jesus. They’ve been with him – spellbound – for three days. But now the food they brought with them…

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How to Have a Church Without Really Trying

August 8, 2017 Daily Reading (Click to read each Scripture) Acts 2:37-47Psalm 78:1-8, 17-29This week’s sermon text: Romans 1:18-21 Field NotesOur reading for today describes how the first Christian believers prioritized their lives together. Verse 42 says, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and the prayers.” This…

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Natural Consequences

August 7, 2017 Daily Reading (Click to read each Scripture) Psalm 78:1-8, 17-29Deuteronomy 8:1-10This week’s sermon text: Romans 1:18-21 Field NotesThere is a parenting philosophy that asserts that children should be allowed to experience the natural consequences of their behavior. For example, if a child balks at putting on a jacket when he or she…

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