Bigger Pots, More Soil

DAILY READING Colossians 2:6-15 FIELD NOTES “Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him, so you will grow in faith, strong, and vigorous in the truth you were taught.” (Col. 2:7, NLT) I am not much of a gardener, but I do enjoy having fresh herbs outside my kitchen. Several…

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Spending Wisely

DAILY READING 1 Timothy 6:11-21 FIELD NOTES Have you ever played the game where you are given an imaginary sum of money — like a million dollars — and you have to come up with ways to spend it? Maybe you give some to your favorite charity, or you buy a fancy boat and a…

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Passing Through the Midst of Anger

DAILY READING Luke 4:16-30 FIELD NOTES A few years ago I traveled to Israel with a group from our church. It was my first trip there and I was overwhelmed by seeing the actual places where Jesus walked and taught.  One of the most impactful places we visited was Jesus’ hometown, Nazareth. It’s a bustling…

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Praise the Lord!

DAILY READING Psalm 113 FIELD NOTES Have you ever wondered why the Psalms say over and over we should praise God? In today’s psalm, the word praise occurs 5 times in 9 verses. What is it about praising God that’s so important?  For one reason, God deserves it. He is the Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer…

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Angels Before Us

DAILY READING Genesis 24:1-10 FIELD NOTES When I was a young mother raising preschoolers, I had a friend who was 10 or so years ahead of me in the childrearing process. I remember her telling me one day that she had been praying for her children’s future spouses, even years before her children were old enough…

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Working at God’s pace

DAILY READING Psalm 127 FIELD NOTES One of the reasons we are often tempted to take control of a situation and work according to our own plan, is that we feel the pressure of time. We have no time to delay and no time to pray. However, when we take matters into our own hands,…

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Work of God

DAILY READING Psalm 127 FIELD NOTES We know that it is important to work hard and do our best, but as Psalm 127 explains, if the work that we do is not of God, then it is in vain.  1 Unless the Lord builds the house,    the builders labor in vain.Unless the Lord watches over the city,    the guards stand watch in vain.2 In vain…

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Created in God’s Image

DAILY READING Psalm 146 FIELD NOTES We know that we have been created in God’s image, but what does this mean? Psalm 146 provides a powerful description of who God is:  6 He is the Maker of heaven and earth,    the sea, and everything in them—    he remains faithful forever.7 He upholds the cause of the oppressed    and gives food to the hungry.The Lord sets…

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Our Righteousness

DAILY READING Deuteronomy 6:10-25 FIELD NOTES The final verse in this passage explains that “if we are careful to obey all this law before the Lord our God, as he has commanded us, that will be our righteousness” (v. 25).  What does righteousness mean? Is it a reward? A hymn by Albert Midlane helps to provide an answer.  The…

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