
October 29, 2020 DAILY READING Mark 5:1-20 FIELD NOTES Have you ever begged God?  This man, whom Jesus had just healed, wanted to follow Jesus.  He begged him.  And yet God had other plans?   Not quite a year ago, I got a phone call, telling me that my grandmother had been hospitalized and it wasn’t looking good.  She was…

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Lectio Divina

October 28, 2020 DAILY READING Mark 5:1-20 Jesus Restores a Demon-Possessed Man They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes. 2 When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an impure spirit came from the tombs to meet him. 3 This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him anymore, not even with…

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In the Tombs

October 27, 2020 DAILY READING Mark 5:1-20 FIELD NOTES In today’s readings, we see the demon-possessed man is relegated to the tombs, having previously been chained and held captive.  He was a problem for the people and this was how they dealt with him.   Isn’t that how we deal with a lot of our problems?  We hide…

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2. Spiritual Disciplines – Study

This week, the staff discusses the discipline “study,” what it means to study as a Christian, and how that term has changed for them as they’ve grown spiritually. We learn that some of the staff are experts in other things besides youth ministry and that LITERALLY EVERYONE is good at tongue twisters.  Mentioned in this…

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Go and Tell

October 26, 2020 DAILY READING Mark 5:1-20 FIELD NOTES What has God done for you?  What is God doing for you currently?  When I was in High School, I remember my youth group was on a mission trip and on that trip, during one of the evening worship services, one of our students was to give a…

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The Power to Refocus a Distracted Mind

This week’s preacher: Dr. Davis Chappell. This week we continue our series, Power-Full, on the power of Jesus. This series is the second in our year-long focus on intentional discipleship called “Walking with Jesus.” Learn how you can be more intentional in your walk with Jesus at Our Scripture reading: Mark 5:1-20

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Lectio Divina: Day Two

October 24, 2020 Mark 2:1-12 New International Version Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralyzed Man A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. 2 They gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them. 3 Some men…

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Lectio Divina

October 23, 2020 Mark 2:1-12 The Voice Translation 1-2 Some days later when Jesus came back to Capernaum, people heard that Jesus was back in town and many gathered at the house where He was staying. Soon the crowd overflowed from the house into the streets, and still more people pressed forward to hear Jesus teaching the message of…

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Roof Moments

October 22, 2020 DAILY READING Mark 2:1-12 FIELD NOTES When I was younger, my dad got sick.  Really sick.  He needed a new liver, and soon.  I was never one to take prayer requests to my pastor.  I didn’t want to be a bother.  I know, in retrospect that sounds silly, but it’s how I felt.  I’m sure some of you…

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