Refugee & Migrant Ministry
Who We Are
In 2019, a committee of Christians at Brentwood United Methodist Church became concerned about the needs of immigrants and refugees in the U.S. This group came together with a desire to respond to the plight of migrants in order to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Our mission is to develop a structure and process for BUMC members to promote compassionate care for immigrants.
Our Baptismal Vow
When we are baptized into Christian community, we promise to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves. As the body of Christ, we are called to stand with those who are victims of such injustice and work for peace and reconciliation. This includes recognizing, embracing, and affirming all persons, regardless of their country of origin or immigration status. To read the full vow, click the button below.
Want to Learn More?
Our team would love to tell you more about the work we're doing. Contact to learn more.
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Photo from TIRRC
Organizations and Churches that have Volunteer Opportunities
- Conexion Americas - Their mission is to build a welcoming community and create opportunities where Latino families can belong, contribute and succeed.
- Iglesia Metodista Ebenezer
- Legacy Mission Village - Founded by refugees for refugees, Legacy's mission is to provide hope and healing to refugees in the Middle Tennessee area by empowering refugees with education and skills to achieve stability and thereby facilitating successful integration into American society.
- Nashville International Center for Empowerment - Their mission is to ensure refugees and immigrants achieve their full potential now and for generations to come.
- Siloam Health Clinic - Siloam Health’s mission is to share the love of Christ by serving those in need through health care.
- Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition - A statewide, immigrant and refugee-led collaboration whose mission is to empower immigrants and refugees throughout Tennessee to develop a unified voice, defend their rights, and create an atmosphere in which they are recognized as positive contributors to the state.
- Tennessee Justice for Our Neighbors - provides compassionate immigration legal services to our neighbors seeking humanitarian relief.
Partner With Us
Interested in learning more about Refugee & Migrant Ministry? Use the button below to connect with us.
Watch Upcoming Zoom + Learns
Join us in learning more about change-makers in our community! You can register for our upcoming Zoom + Learns below.
Watch Past Zoom + Learns
Miss a conversation? You can go back and watch any past Zoom + Learn below.
Each video is categorized by the topic of conversation: Policy, Christian Perspective, and conversations with Local Partners.
Christian Perspective
Local Partners
Laura Hickman, Flint Global, 10/23/24
Katie Finn, Tennessee Resettlement Aid, 8/28/24
Bethany Jackson, TNJFON, 3/19/24
Coleen McGary, Servant Group International
Nations Ministry, 9/23/23
Mary Beth Harding, NALC 3/23/23
Sabina Mohyuddin, AMAC 8/24/22
Kendal McBroom, GBCS, 5/25/22
Wes Harrell, Siloam Health, 2/23/22
Kellye Branson, Catholic Charities, 1/26/22
Rev. Carlos Uroza, Woodbine UMC/Primer Iglesia Metodista & Cosecha, 10/27/21
William Mwizerwa, Legacy Mission Village, 9/22/21
Emily Baird-Chrisohon, TIRRC - 3/24/21
Emily Baird-Chrisohon, TIRRC - 10/28/20
Wes Harrell, Siloam Health - 9/23/20
Articles and Methodist Publications
The General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church
- Statement on Immigration to the U.S. - from UMC Justice
- Immigration to the US-Faith and Facts Card - from UMC Justice
- Immigrant Welcoming Communities: Building Teams for a Justice Journey A Guide for Churches - from UMC Justice
- United Methodist Social Principles - from
- FaithLink – How Immigration Works
- Bible Study – Thinking Biblically About Immigrants and Immigration Reform
- Immigration Battle- Frontline and Independent Lens October 2015
- The New Americans PBS Series - Six hour series 2004
- Strangers in Town - Film Freeway- October 2018
Frontline Series on Immigration and Children
- Targeting El Paso - 2020
- Kids Caught in the Crackdown - 2019
- Separated: Children at the Border - 2018
- The Gang Crackdown - 2018
- Trafficked in America - 2018
- Immigration Nation - 2020
- Living Undocumented - 2019
Opinion Pieces
- America Never Wanted the Tired Poor Huddled Masses, Caitlin Dickerson (Atlantic Magazine May 2021)
- Healthcare Workers Say It’s an Honor to Help Migrant Children In Long Beach (LA Times June 18, 2021)
- Border Breakdown (Carnegie Corporation of New York November 6, 2019)
Movie Recommendations
- Beautifully Broken - 2018
- All Saints - 2017
- Entre Nos – 2015
- Desierto – 2009
- Under the Same Moon – 2008
- Separated: Inside an American Tragedy (Nonfiction), by Jacob Soboroff
- Jasmine’s Story – YouTube
- Meet the Dreamers Caught in the DACA Fight – YouTube