September 5, 2017

God’s Workmanship

September 5, 2017

Daily Reading
Psalm 83:1-4
This weekend’s scripture: Romans 5:1-11

Field Notes
Who is against God? It sounds harsh to say. We want to believe everyone is God’s(and indeed God created and loves all of his children), but some of us actively disobey, and even seek to destroy the Kingdom of God. These people sow hate instead of love. They sow war instead of peace. Instead of kindness, they sow mean-spiritedness. Instead of joy, they sow sorrow.

We cry out to God to come quickly, and bring an end to this type of evil. We pray for help. We pray for the Kingdom to be restored to its full glory.

We are Christ’s workmanship, created for good works. May our actions always point towards God and the Kingdom. May our faith be in God and not the ideologies of men. And may our love stand head and shoulders above the evil deeds of evil men, those who would dare to oppose Christ and his Kingdom. Amen.

Questions for the Field

  • Where do you see opposition to the will of God?
  • What can you do to fight against it with love?

Family Field Talk

  • How do you make good choices?
  • Why should we follow God?

Prayer Guide
God, whose love conquers all, please bring your Kingdom soon. Work in us to do your work. Outshine the darkness. In the name of Christ, we pray. Amen.