April 19, 2018

Acting In Ignorance

April 19, 2018


Acts 3:17-26

This weekend’s reading: John 21:15-19

The passage from Acts 3 comes right after the healing of a man who is lame, a man who is often ignored by the people that pass him day and night. Peter and John chastise the people for ignoring him and for their sin.  In the midst of their condemnation, they say, “I know that you acted in ignorance, as did also your rulers [when they crucified Jesus].”  This phrase “acted in ignorance” gives me pause.  How many times have I sinned without even realizing it?  How many times have I been so busy going about my day or so absorbed in my own thoughts and to-do’s that I don’t even realize that I too have ignored my suffering neighbor?  Today, I pray that we might all be awakened by the Spirit to the ways that we have fallen short to Christ’s call and that we, like Luke writes in this passage, be blessed by Christ’s grace to instead, do good in God’s eyes.

Lord awaken me to the ways that I have fallen short of Christ’s perfect example.  May your grace move in me, in our congregation, and in your whole world that we might become your imago dei, your perfect creations.  Amen.