August 1, 2018


August 1, 2018


Isaiah 25:6-10
This weekend’s reading: Matthew 6:25-33


I was talking to someone the other day about how we often take communion without really thinking or knowing what it means.  It’s something we do, but not something we fully understand.  Part of that is because there is some level of mystery in our Triune God of course.  But when I was reading the passage today from Isaiah, I thought, “This is what communion means!”  When we celebrate communion, we are celebrating God’s invitation to a table filled to the brim with a rich feast, a feast that will fill us like nothing else can.  Christ is filling us to the brim, overflowing with His grace as we sit and build relationship with him.  And in the midst of this party, God is putting an end to the suffering and brokenness of this world.  He is giving us a glimpse to what the Kingdom of God truly is and can be- a place where God has destroyed the shroud that is cast over all peoples, the sheet that is spread over all nations; Where he has swallowed up death forever and all of our tears and disgrace are washed away.


  • How have you experienced God when you are taking communion and saying its liturgy?
  • How has communion filled you up?


  • What does communion mean to you?

Lord, may we never take our communion with you for granted.  Restore unto us the significance of our holy sacrament.  Be with us, Jesus.  Amen.