November 28, 2018

Seeking Clarity

November 28, 2018


John 16:25-33
This weekend’s reading: Jeremiah 33:14-16


I often find myself praying for clarity- clarity around decisions at work, clarity around decisions at home, clarity around decisions for my kids or my marriage on and on the list goes…. basically, I pray for a clear understanding of what God wants me to do.  What should I do?  What should I do next?  What should I no longer do?  How should I do it?  My prayer is a prayer of sincere desire to know how God is calling me to be and act in the world.  The trouble is, that I find these prayers coming up more and more often as I get older and move into more responsibilities and more challenging situations.  In maybe an odd way, I am comforted by the passage from John today for two main reasons 1) The disciples who were literally ministering in the flesh with Jesus, who you would think would be able to figure things out, still were unclear on what to do.  They may seem thick, but I guess I find myself deeply relating to the desire to please Jesus and also unclear on how to do that.  2) Jesus’ way is made clear.  At least in a general sense.  We don’t have to be a perfectionist or exactly right, but when our desire is to love Christ, we will be guided to walk in His light.


  • What are some areas in your life where you wish you had clarity on how to act or what to do?  Pray for clarity today!


Lord, make your ways known to me.  Give me clear skies where I see fog.  Help me to discern the path you would have me walk and give me comfort when I don’t know which way to go.  In your Son’s name, I pray.  Amen.