April 7, 2020

Jesus’ Teaching on Tuesday of Holy Week: Be Prepared!

April 7, 2020


Matthew 25:40 & 45 -“And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’” Then he will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’”


There are a lot of people hoarding toilet paper, food, and other supplies. So, others find empty shelves when they go to the store. Even my daughter called from New York, asking if we could find various items for her family because there were none to be had in her community.

Jesus tells parables such as the thief in the night and the wise and foolish maidens, encouraging us to prepare for the coming of Christ. Then, on Tuesday of Holy Week, he tells us how to prepare for his coming through this parable of the great judgment (today’s scripture), the separation of the sheep from the goats.

He tells us not to hoard, but to give ourselves to people, meeting their needs. Sometimes these gifts are relational: welcoming the stranger, visiting the prisoner, caring for the sick, and providing a caring presence.  Sometimes these gifts are physical: feeding the hungry, giving money for specific needs, and shopping for another.

It’s incredible to watch news reports of people sewing masks and donating them to hospitals. Manufacturing companies are converting their operations to make ventilators, masks, gloves, and other PPE. Neighbors are driving sick neighbors for medical care. Groups are reaching out to each other through Zoom, Google Hangouts, and other social media. 

All crises are opportunities for building God’s kingdom. Instead of hoarding, let’s keep what we need and share, building God’s kingdom as we help each other during this time. 


  • How might you help Jesus reach out to another?
  • How might you be Jesus to neighbors today?
  • How might you be Jesus to your family members?
  • How might you be Jesus to people with whom you have difficulty, including enemies?
  • How might you be Jesus to yourself?


  • Discuss how we might treat each other differently if that particular person was Jesus.
  • Discuss how we can be Jesus to each other in the family.
  • What might we share as a family with our neighbors and friends?
  • Is there anything in our home that we might share with our local hospitals?


Most loving, gracious Lord, we didn’t know who you were when you came to earth. But you were very clear in telling us that “however we treat another person is how we treat you.” Lord, help us to love you, others, and ourselves with your guidance. Please make our encounters holy-encounters with you. Again, Lord, help us do our part to eliminate the C-19 virus. In your gracious name, I pray. Amen.