March 2, 2021

By Faith

March 2, 2021

By Judith Bone


Genesis 22:1-19 Psalm 105:1-11; 37-45 Hebrews 11:1-3; 13-19

Here is a Big Story about God, Abraham and Isaac. God asks Abraham to offer his precious son, Isaac, as a burnt offering. As an act of full and holy obedience, Abraham does just that!  Abraham’s lifetime has already been filled with God’s presence and faithfulness. When young Isaac asks about the sacrifice, Abraham responds ‘the Lord will provide’ with a knowing that rests at the heart of his assurance.  It is a faith built on many encounters with God. In The Naked Now Richard Rohr suggests that “God’s love is a tender dance of give-and-take, rescue and holding.” I sense a dance in the relationship between God and Abraham… it’s not a back and forth, but a lovely integrated waltz. 

Here is a Small Story about God and Me: As my faith has grown… as Nouwen would say…in my small, little life…I’ve learned through experience that God does, indeed, provide!

Often, in hindsight I could see where God had walked with me or I could hear it when remarking on something that happened inexplicably that had made a great difference in a given situation.  As I have ‘added up’ those experiences, my assurance of his presence has ‘compounded’ to a place of deep knowing. 

Rohr suggests “At this point, God becomes more a verb than a noun, more a process than a conclusion, more an experience than a dogma, more a personal relationship than an idea. There is Someone dancing with you…”

The rhythm of the dance varies, but the relationship is a constant now. So, I look to God in the now, rather than riding life out alone. I do so with that great curiosity. I hear myself saying, “I know you, Lord. I know you’re here.”  I breathe into the heart in my being; I search for that tangible place, that tangible touch of God.

“Faith is more a breaking-through, which then allows you to hold on — precisely because now Someone is holding on to you! Faith enlightens the path behind you, but as a rule, in front of you it is still dark. Now, however, not so threatening or impossible, because for you ‘a light shines on in the darkness, and the darkness cannot overpower it’ (John 1:5)” [Richard Rohr, The Naked Now].