October 27, 2021

Loving Our Neighbors – Part 1


Matthew 22:39: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”


When our daughters were younger, I walked with them, door to door trick-or-treating. It amazed me to see so many children in our neighborhood. It amazed me even more to see so many adults open their doors, giving candy and gifts to so many children. 

Each year, I wondered, “Why can’t we practice such hospitality (and more than just candy) throughout the year?”  I also reflected on how to love my actual neighbors (all eight homes surrounding ours), not just neighbors in general.

Today, I make it a point to interact with my neighbors and get to know them. We share meals, garden produce, mowers, ladders, Christmas gifts, and healthy conversation. One result: hospitality is now year-round.


  • What are your neighbors’ names? 
  • How well do you know your neighbors? How well do your neighbors know you?
  • In what ways might you be Christ to your neighbors?


  • Talk as a family about how your family can be good neighbors or become better neighbors.
  • Talk with your family as to how Christ can guide your relationship with your neighbors.


Dear most loving, gracious Lord, we praise and thank you for our lives. Thank you for the people that come into our lives. Lord, I know you want us to be your presence in this world, and so I ask that you help us be better neighbors, specifically to the homes around us. Help us love them as you love us. In your gracious name, I ask.  Amen.