December 7, 2021

The kingdom come!


Matthew 2


Frederick L. Hosmer’s 1981 hymn called “The kingdom come!” is a beautiful representation of the invitation given to each of us in Advent. In this season we are invited to share in the journey with the Wise Men, so joyful and overcome with anticipation that “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy” (v. 10)! They hadn’t set eyes on Jesus yet, but they understood the wonder of what was about to take place.    

1 Thy kingdom come! On bended knee
the passing ages pray;
and faithful souls have yearned to see
on earth that kingdom’s day.

2 But the slow watches of the night
not less to God belong;
and for the everlasting right
the silent stars are strong.

3 And lo, already on the hills
the flags of dawn appear;
gird up your loins, ye prophet souls,
proclaim the day is near:

4 The day in whose clear-shining light
all wrong shall stand revealed,
when justice shall be throned in might,
and every hurt be healed;

5 When knowledge, hand in hand with peace,
shall walk the earth abroad:
the day of perfect righteousness,
the promised day of God.


  • When have you rejoiced as the Wise Men did, “with exceedingly great joy” (v. 10)?
  • During this season of Advent, how can you embody this enthusiasm as you wait for the birth of Christ?  


  • Think about a time when you have looked forward to something. What did it feel like? Can you imagine what the Wise Men felt like as they were traveling to meet Jesus?


Holy God, help me to approach this season of Advent with the same wonder and joy as the Wise Men. Help me proclaim and embody this joy so that all can see the miracle of this season! Amen.