April 9, 2022



John 12:1-8

As you have read this week, Mary is anointing Jesus’ feet with perfume and wiping them with her hair. I went looking but couldn’t find any place where someone told her she needed to do this, she did it of her own accord because she wanted to. Judas’ response was one of judgement because he did not understand why she was doing this. I can just hear him right now, “Why didn’t she do ____ instead?” “Why is she wasting her time and your time?” “This is pointless.”  

Have you ever felt so compelled to do something only to hear those voices in your own mind? I don’t know about you, but that happens to me all the time. 

I am one who doesn’t sit or rest well. I will “do” with the best of them but sit? Just be? Rest? Those aren’t words I know how to do. Part of the reason I don’t do this resting thing well is I feel guilty for sitting and resting. The world is turning and there are things to be done. I can’t rest while everyone else is doing. I need to help. Those are some of the thoughts that race through my mind and yet there is something inside me that compels me and draws me to sit, to rest, to sabbath. 

Did you notice Jesus’ response to Judas’ judgement? This is my favorite because I can hear this too, “Leave her alone.” I wonder if he had a tone like parents get with their children. “Leave her alone,” “Let her be,” “Get off her case.” I wonder how many times Jesus wants to tell me “Leave her alone! Let yourself do what I am drawing you to.” “Come child, listen to what is compelling you and come sit, come rest, sabbath with me for a little while.” 


Reflect on the last time you rested. How long has it been? How did you rest?  During the last few days of this Lenten season, instead of removing something, what if you add a sabbath? Can you give yourself permission to “leave her/him alone” and just rest?   


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