May 14, 2022

My Way or the Highway


Mark 7:1-8

[Psalm 112: 1-9]

The ritual being observed in this passage is a particular way of preparing to eat.  All that can really be seen are the outward trappings of religious tradition. In quoting Isaiah Jesus makes an interesting statement…it is possible to teach human ideas of observance as doctrine and still not be in love with God. What matters most resides in the heart. 

We can easily become so accustomed to the ‘way things have always been done’ that we create a sense of separation rather than drawing others into community. The Pharisees could have simply engaged Jesus and the disciples in mealtime conversation.  Instead, they asked; “Why are you not eating ‘the right way’?” Or perhaps “to eat here you need to eat our way!”

John Wesley in his sermon, “Catholic Spirit,” challenges us to think and let think.  “If thine heart is as my heart,” if thou lovest God and all mankind, I ask no more; “Give me thine hand.”


  • How might ‘we have always done it this way’ at our church create a barrier for someone coming to our church for the first time? What if they stand or sit at the wrong time? What if they raise their arms in worship? What if…..
  • What could you do to minimize or eliminate any barriers?


  • Today look for people who are separated or excluded by the ‘traditional ways’ or ‘right way’ of doing a particular activity. Act to create inclusion for everyone. 


Holy Lord, you offer yourself to all of us.  Hold our hearts open to you and to your son, Jesus so that through your love we can extend our hands and your love to everyone we encounter. Amen.


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