March 6, 2021

Mountain Joy

March 6, 2021

By Laura Edwards


Psalm 19

The Witness of Creation and Scripture

1The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky proclaims the work of His hands.  2Day after day they pour out speech; night after night they communicate knowledge.  3There is no speech; there are no words; their voice is not heard. 4Their message has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world…

When I read Psalm 19, verse 2 jumps from the page. Does the sky pour out speech and communicate knowledge beyond rain, snow, and shooting stars?  Not only yes, but really yes; like “Joy to the World” yes.  

My unequivocal yes comes after a winding drive through the Rocky Mountains between Estes Park and Grand Lake, Colorado a few years ago.   

The picturesque became breathtaking. The road wound up one mountain and down the other. Halfway along, a majestic rock rising into the clouds appeared in my face. I gasped with shock and awe. I gazed. A spontaneous combustion moved into my throat and I sobbed. The Creator poured a love message into my spirit. “I really am here and I’ve been here all along through the ages. And I’ll be here for ages to come.”

The Rock.  Ancient Love.  Active Today.  Here Now.  My Rock.   

Feeling an uncommon sense of connection and gratitude, I stopped the car to touch a boulder and say, “Thank you for being here.”  A profound experience.  A unique sense of community.

I ponder what stories and wisdom might be shared.  On Being:  “Do you have any idea the value of your presence today?”   On Enough:  “Do you ever feel inadequate because you can not run like a river?”   On Loss:  “What was it like when icebergs receded and scarred your younger self?”  Surely creation’s night and day communication of knowledge reveals the gift of God’s creative presence – yesterday, today, and tomorrow. “…and heaven and nature sing!”