November 16, 2021

A Faith That Endures


Hebrews 10:32-39


This section of Hebrews discusses an enduring faith in times of persecution. This is a challenging text to discuss because many of us have never experienced a situation that could be considered a “persecution” for our faith. While we do see situations like this happening in contemporary society, such as Christian persecution in other countries, I often reflect on persecution that occurred centuries ago. 

I read a story about the early reformers that attended John Calvin’s seminary in Switzerland and the risks they took to live their faith. This school, which opened in 1559 in Geneva, Switzerland, was called the “Academy of Geneva” but was also known as “Calvin’s School of the Death.” They called it this because so many of its graduates were martyred in Europe, as a result of vicious anti-Protestant sentiment. How could they have such a faith? How could these graduates go through the experience knowing the likelihood of their demise? I think verse 34 helps to explain, “You suffered along with those who were thrown into jail, and when all you owned was taken from you, you accepted it with joy. You knew there were better things waiting for you that will last forever.”

We may never be put into a position in which we must choose between our faith or our life. We may never have to endure great loss or suffering because of our faith. I pray none of us ever have to. However, if we face persecution because of our faith, have confidence that the Lord will be with you. Knowing that Christ is with us in our suffering will help us in our capacity to sustain a deep and enduring faith, no matter what trials we may face.


  • How do you manage to keep your faith in such challenging times? How do you keep your faith and hope when you feel under attack?


  • Have you ever been insulted because of your faith? How did it make you feel? How did you overcome this feeling?


Holy, loving God, we give praise to you in all things. Your saving grace is the rock on which our hope and endurance rely upon in times of trial. May our faith in you sustain us no matter what we endure or loss we experience. Let us never tire or grow weary of praising you, no matter how difficult our experiences may be.