May 7, 2022

The Lord is My Shepherd


Psalm 23

The Twenty-third Psalm may well be the most recognized, most memorized, most “famous” passage in Scripture. How many posters, greeting cards, and cross-stitch pillows have we seen bearing its famous beginning, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want”? Countless.

When I was a child, I heard these words read to me and recited in church and I was very confused. “If God is my shepherd,” I thought, “Why would I not want him?” Little did I know that in this context “want” means to lack something or to be in need. No wonder it was confusing to my childish mind!

Lately, though, the opening words of this psalm have come to be a great comfort for me. As we have lived through the uncertainties of the last two years — a global pandemic, a deeply divided country, the threat of global climate change and more — I have clung to this psalm. I have whispered it in the lonely hours of the night when sleep evaded me. I have prayed it for my loved ones — inserting their names in the verses and claiming its promises for them. It has become an anchor for my faith.

I invite you to read it today with an open mind and an open heart. Don’t let its familiarity mask its power. Put your own name — or the names of those you love — in the verses. Let the knowledge that God is truly leading and guiding you take hold of your soul.


  • What has the Twenty-third Psalm meant to you in your life?
  • How does the image of a shepherd guiding, protecting and providing for his sheep comfort and encourage you?


  • Ask your parent or other trusted adult to show you pictures of shepherds and sheep. Talk about the different ways shepherds care for sheep. Can you think of ways God takes care of you like a good shepherd?


Good Shepherd, thank you for caring, for guiding, protecting and providing for us. May we follow you like sheep follow their shepherd. Amen.


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