September 18, 2018

The Butterfly Effect

September 18, 2018


Psalm 73:21-28
Colossians 3:1-11
This weekend’s reading: Genesis 18:1-15


It’s common that many of us carry around burden and guilt in our lives. It’s true: we all mess up. We all fall short of God’s glory.
But this passage from Colossians reminds us that in Christ, we not only are freed from the wrong things we’ve done in our lives, but we are freed for living a completely brand new life!
This is one of the reasons that the butterfly has been a part of Christian imagery for millennia. The caterpillar enters the cocoon and begins its transformation. It soon will shed its former self. This is like the freedom from sin that we receive in Christ.
But the process doesn’t just stop there. The caterpillar is not just freed from one state of being; it is transformed into something entirely new and beautiful—the butterfly! This is the power of God’s love in our lives. We are freed from and freed for.


  • Today, do you trust that God is freeing you from your sin?
  • Do you also trust that God is freeing you for something beautiful?


  • Are there other examples from nature you can think of that remind you of God’s love for us?


God, you work in our lives in wonderful and mysterious ways. Let us never forget your power to transform us for things we never thought possible. Amen.