Posts by jhumphries

Bare and Empty

March 30, 2018 DAILY READING John 18:1-19:42 This weekend’s reading: John 20:19-23 FIELD NOTESIf you have ever been to a Maundy Thursday service at BUMC, you know that the service ends by the “stripping” of the Sanctuary. This involves removing everything in the room that is symbolic of our life in Christ. Plants, candles, the communion elements, the…

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Pass Over Us

March 29, 2018 DAILY READING Exodus 12:1-14 John 13:1-17; 31-35 This weekend’s reading: John 20:19-23 FIELD NOTESI was in my late 20s when I finally began to connect the Biblical “dots” and see the Bible as God’s complete story from beginning to end. Through countless studies, sermons, podcasts, and more, I have thirstily sought out the connections made…

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The Betrayal of Jesus

March 28, 2018 DAILY READING John 13:21-32 Isaiah 50:4-9 Psalm 70 This weekend’s reading: John 20:19-23 FIELD NOTES“Betrayal. An abandonment of trust by someone close to you. A husband betrayed by his wife. An employee passed over for a promotion by an employer who had promised it. A secret between friends brought to light for…

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The Hour Has Come

March 27, 2018 DAILY READING John 12:20-36 Psalm 71:1-14 This weekend’s reading: Luke 24:1-12 FIELD NOTESOn Tuesday of Holy Week, we begin to look at the events leading up to the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus. Any study of the four gospels will show the significant and abundant ministry that Jesus had on Earth, showing…

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Cheering Us On

March 24, 2018 DAILY READING John 19:30 This weekend’s reading: John 19:30 FIELD NOTESOn the cross, Jesus cries out, “It is finished!” “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race…

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Let’s Not Waste Our Lives

March 23, 2018 DAILY READING John 19:30 This weekend’s reading: John 19:30 FIELD NOTESOn the cross Jesus cries out, “It is finished!” Earlier on Good Friday, also known as Black Friday (the day Jesus died on the cross), the crowd was given a choice between Jesus and Barabbas. Matthew tells (27:16) us that Barabbas’ first…

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How Did His Death Save Me?

March 22, 2018 DAILY READING John 19:30 This weekend’s reading: John 19:30 FIELD NOTESOn the cross Jesus cries out, “It is finished!” During my third week in seminary, my New Testament professor’s sudden stroke left him disabled to teach. Our dean then told us to write a significant paper on a New Testament topic of…

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The First Step

March 21, 2018 DAILY READING John 19:30 This weekend’s reading: John 19:30 FIELD NOTES On the cross Jesus cries out, “It is finished!” In our scripture for this Sunday’s worship, Jesus says, “It is finished!” One cannot have a finish unless there is first a beginning. On your mark. Get set. Go! Someone speaks these…

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March 20, 2018 DAILY READING John 19:30 This weekend’s reading: John 19:30 FIELD NOTESOn the cross, Jesus cries out, “It is finished!” Most people do not remember a single athlete or gold medal winner at the 1992 Barcelona Summer Olympics, but many people do remember an inspirational moment from that event. Derek Redmond was Team…

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