Posts by jhumphries

Power of Praise

September 1, 2017 Daily ReadingExodus 3:16-252 Thessalonians 2:7-12Psalm 26:1-8Jeremiah 15:1-92 Thessalonians 2:7-12This week’s sermon text:  Psalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 45b Field NotesDo you ever have trouble sleeping? One night I tossed and turned as I mulled over an issue. It had me down for half of the next day! I could not shake it. Then I…

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Be Like Mike

August 31, 2017 Daily ReadingPsalm 105:1-6, 23-26, 45bExodus 2:23-24Psalm 26:1-8Jeremiah 14:13-18This week’s sermon text: Ephesians 5:1-6 Field NotesMichael Jordan retired as an NBA basketball player as a Chicago Bull in 1999. In 2001 he returned to the NBA as a Washington Wizard. The Wizards were a so-so team. Because of injuries, Jordan never returned to…

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The Poor Always With Us?

August 30, 2017 Daily ReadingsPsalm 8Exodus 2:15b-22Psalm 18:1-3, 20-32Isaiah 28:14-22This week’s sermon text: Matthew 26:6-13 Field NotesMy wife called, “I don’t know whether to be happy or sad? A car dealership just called about a church member who bought us a car.” Because this church member was manic-depressive, I asked the dealer to delay finalizing…

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Jealous for God

August 29, 2017 Daily ReadingPsalm 8Exodus 2:11-15aRomans 11:33-36Psalm 18:1-3, 20-32Deuteronomy 32:18-20, 28-39This week’s sermon text:  Romans 11:33-36 Field NotesHow can God be a jealous God? Isn’t jealousy sinful? When we feel human jealousy, it is usually because someone has something we want, something we wish we had. We become the center of the issue. The…

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From the Written to the Living Word of God

August 28, 2017 Daily ReadingPsalm 8Exodus 1:1-7Romans 2:1-111 Samuel 7:3-13This week’s sermon text: Psalm 18:1-3, 20-32 Field NotesForty-one years ago, as he was about to read the Scripture, a pastor said, “Everyone needs to memorize a Bible verse each day.” During that moment I felt a nudge of the Holy Spirit, “Yep, do it and…

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Prophetic Forgiveness

August 26, 2017 Daily Reading (Click to read each Scripture)Genesis 50:15-26This week’s sermon text: Romans 3:9-26 Field NotesI worked with inner-city youth for several years. One day we were studying the story of Joseph. When we arrived at this scene in Genesis, where Joseph forgives his brothers, several of the students were absolutely confounded. Joseph’s…

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The Power of Prayer

August 25, 2017 Daily Reading (Click to read each Scripture)Psalm 138This week’s sermon text: Romans 3:9-26 Field NotesWhat a beautiful vision of prayer we find in Psalm 138! The Psalmist writes, “I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart; before the gods I sing your praise…On the day I called, you answered me,…

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August 24, 2017 Daily Reading (Click to read each Scripture)1 Corinthians 6:1-11This week’s sermon text: Romans 3:9-26 Field NotesFor me, the passage today from 1 Corinthians is in many ways about forgiveness. Paul is challenging the early church on their practice of taking lawsuits to the state instead of settling matters within the church community.…

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A New Vision of Prayer

August 23, 2017 Daily Reading (Click to read each Scripture)Matthew 8:1-13This week’s sermon text: Romans 3:9-26 Field NotesThis passage in Matthew is a riveting story of power dynamics at play. The Centurion is a powerful leader in the Roman government. He points out that people do whatever he says whenever he says it. His presence…

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Standing in Awe of God

August 22, 2017 Daily Reading (Click to read each Scripture)Romans 11:13-29This week’s sermon text: Romans 3:9-26 Field NotesIn today’s passage, Paul is asking the Gentile Christians in Rome not to “boast” over the Jews. He says to remember that salvation comes not from a certain congregation or church, but from Christ. I love that Paul…

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