DAILY READING Luke 19:28-40 I am tempted in my personal prayer life to leap straight from, “Hey God” to “HELP!” I am quick to get to the work of confession: laying before God the places that I know I’m falling short in my discipleship, where I am missing the marks of compassion and forgiveness and goodness and generosity. And…
Read MoreThe Beginning of the End (Dr. Davis Chappell)
This week’s preacher: Dr. Davis Chappell. We continue our Lenten series, called “Walk This Way.” Our Scripture reading: Luke 19:28-40.
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DAILY READING John 12:1-8 As you have read this week, Mary is anointing Jesus’ feet with perfume and wiping them with her hair. I went looking but couldn’t find any place where someone told her she needed to do this, she did it of her own accord because she wanted to. Judas’ response was one of judgement because he did not understand why she was…
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DAILY READING John 12:1-8 When reading this passage, I kept being drawn to the very end of verse three, “and the house was filled with the fragrances of the perfume.” Now, I will admit that I am likely taking some liberty with the passage, but the more I read that the more it read to me “and the house was filled with the essence…
Read MoreGiving
DAILY READING John 12:1-8 Upon first reading – and depending on your translation – this text can seem difficult to swallow. If you’re just reading Judas’ words, he makes a good point about giving the money from the expensive perfume to the poor. Once you know his intention, though, it provides a better foundation for Jesus’ rebuke. The NRSV translation includes a note that Judas “said…
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DAILY READING John 12:1-8 BUMC’s missional emphasis for the month of April is healthcare. Did you know BUMC partners with several ministries, both locally and globally, dedicated to providing accessible healthcare to those in need? Give Ye Them To Eat (GYTTE) is a social outreach project in Tlancualpican, Mexico. Their community and family health program, “More Than a…
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DAILY READING John 12:1-8 Here we have an exchange of gift-giving between Jesus and Mary, sister of Martha and Lazarus. Mary is giving a gift to Jesus. It is given as a response to Jesus’ upcoming self-giving. She responds, she is responsible. Jesus is giving himself, whole and totally. Derrida*, the French philosopher, asks a series…
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DAILY READING John 12:1-8 Communing with God is one way to understand the act of prayer. The act of communing implies a closeness and intimacy that is experienced on a deep, spiritual level. During worship we are invited to experience this kind of spiritual closeness when we receive the body and blood of Christ through the sacrament of Holy Communion. In…
Read MoreThe Next-to-Last Supper (Dr. Davis Chappell)
This week’s preacher: Dr. Davis Chappell. We continue our Lenten series, called “Walk This Way.” Our Scripture reading: John 12:1-8.
Read MoreSabbath
DAILY READING Luke 15:1-3; 11-32b The Prodigal Son is one of my favorite parables because it really puts the love and grace of the father on display. The son believes he is no longer worthy of his father’s love, but his father exclaims how happy he is to have his son back and throws a celebratory feast…
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