Exclaiming Christ’s Gospel
April 10, 2021 DAILY READING John 20:11-20 FIELD NOTES What a beautiful way to close out the week after Easter. We see the transformation of Mary in just a few verses in today’s reading from John. Mary goes from: mourning at Jesus’ graveside, to realizing he is still alive, to running to tell others of his resurrection.…
Read MoreGod Is with Us
April 9, 2021 DAILY READING Psalm 16 FIELD NOTES Praise God that we have a caring and faithful God! If you are experiencing a period of darkness in your life or if you simply find yourself overwhelmed and tired day after day, these readings today are for you. God is our “refuge” and “delight” cries the Psalmist. God…
Read MoreEmbracing God through Spiritual Disciplines
April 8, 2021 DAILY READING Colossians 4:2-5 FIELD NOTES In Colossians, Paul seems to be responding to some incorrect teachings that are spreading through the church. In response to these false teachings, he celebrates that we are Easter people, people who find their full identity in the Risen Christ. He says “The Son is the image of…
Read MoreBeleaf
Beleaf is a rapper, musician, influencer, and one of the stars of Dads, a documentary by Bryce Dallas Howard on Apple TV+, about modern day fatherhood. Check out the movie on Apple TV+ and go find his music on Spotify!
Read MoreGod Works in Us Even Today
April 7, 2021 DAILY READING Joshua 3:1-17 FIELD NOTES This is the second time we have seen the Israelites pass through murky waters to escape capture in our passages this week. Why talk about this sort of liberation the week after Easter? Why talk about a God who parted waters for His people thousands of years ago? Because…
Read More18. End of Season 2!
Thank you to all who’ve listened and shared encouragement over the life of this podcast! We’re going away to plan and dream and come up with new ways to entertain you all. It will be awesome. Enjoy this last episode! Follow To the Table and the BUMC Student Ministry here: @tothetablebumcsm @bumcsm @a.c.jonesiv @mcknightowl @hannahlynn951…
Read MoreFinding our Identity in Christ
April 6, 2021 DAILY READING Colossians 3:12-17 FIELD NOTES Because of Easter, we claim a new identity in the Risen Christ. The Colossians, in this passage, are doing the same thing. Our identity is no longer primarily in our careers or our roles in our families. Our identity is in Christ. I remember a story about a committee…
Read MoreGod Delivers Us
April 5, 2021 DAILY READING Exodus 14:10-31 FIELD NOTES What a glorious Easter we celebrated yesterday! Christ has Risen! Death has been conquered! Glory to God! Amen! In these passages from Exodus, the Israelites were delivered from the spiritual death in Egypt where they were prevented from worshiping God and forced to work in slavery only to face…
Read MoreThe End is the Beginning (Dr. Davis Chappell)
This week’s preacher: Dr. Davis Chappell. Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ with us! Our Scripture reading: Matthew 28:1-10
Read MoreWhat’s the Big Deal?
April 3, 2021 By Steve Schaffer Both my wife, Marilyn, and I are preacher’s kids. We’ve pretty much seen church stuff from both within and from without…a lot of good, for sure, but sometimes a little not so good. When I began thinking about Lent again this year, my first (young man’s) impulse was “Oh, man! Seen it,…
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