Why We Give
Everything that we have comes from and belongs to God, and we are simply managing those resources while here on earth. Our stewardship of those resources is not simply a method for us to raise money, it is a way of life.
Giving is one of the key ways we worship God, and one of the ways we demonstrate our love for God and for our neighbors. Giving makes possible worship, programs for children and students, Bible studies & classes, pastoral care and support, mission trips, and community projects. We do not specify how much an individual should give, but we hope each person will commit a percentage of their income and increase that amount as they are able.
Try our online giving experience!
Ways To Give

You can give safely and securely through our website’s online portal. You can set up a one-time or recurring gift through a bank draft or credit/debit card

Mobile App
The Brentwood UMC app is your fastest, most convenient way to make a gift.

Mail your gift to:
Finance Department
309 Franklin Road, Brentwood, TN 37027

Stock gifts can be processed through our Finance Department. To learn more, contact our Finance Department at:
Financial Reporting
The commitment of our financial resources is an opportunity to worship and serve Christ. When we return a portion of our financial blessings to God through our tithes and offerings, we invest in God’s vision and mission, and we create an opportunity for God to work through us and through our church.