God Is the Center

January 18, 2020 DAILY READINGS Psalm 111Deuteronomy 13:1-5Matthew 8:28-9:1 This weekend’s reading:John 1:29-42 FIELD NOTES Deuteronomy 13 is a reminder of how easy it is to get our priorities out of order.  The people are being urged not to listen to false prophets or false gods, but to worship the one true God who has…

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Lectio Divina

January 17, 2020 DAILY READINGS Psalm 111Deuteronomy 12:28-32Revelation 2:12-17 This weekend’s reading:John 1:29-42 FIELD NOTES Today’s Psalm, number 111, is a great Psalm to practice Lectio Divina with.  Lectio Divina is an ancient prayer practice that means divine or sacred reading.  It is a way of meditating on the scripture and allowing God to speak…

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Passing the Torch

January 16, 2020 DAILY READINGS Psalm 111Deuteronomy 3:23-29Romans 9:6-18 This weekend’s reading:John 1:29-42 FIELD NOTES In Deuteronomy 3, Moses begs God to be allowed to enter the Promised Land, but God says no and appoints Joshua to lead.  I will admit this is a tough text, and one I have never completely understood.  Moses isn’t…

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Called By Name

January 15, 2020 DAILY READINGS Psalm 46Proverbs 8:1-21Mark 3:13-19 This weekend’s reading: John 1:29-42 FIELD NOTES In Mark 3, Jesus commissions the twelve apostles. Three things stood out to me in this story. First, he calls each of them by name. Though this happens in the last verses of the passage, I think it is…

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The Lord is With Us

January 14, 2020 DAILY READINGS Psalm 46Genesis 45:25-46:7Acts 5:33-42This weekend’s reading:John 1:29-42 FIELD NOTES Psalm 46 is a hymn that praises God for God’s protection and safety. “The Lord of heavenly forces is with us! The God of Jacob is our place of safety.” The verses praise God for protection, strength, leadership, and more. God…

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Here I Am, Lord!

January 13, 2020 DAILY READINGS Psalm 46Genesis 12:1-91 Corinthians 7:17-24 FIELD NOTES In Genesis 12, God calls a man named Abram.  He instructs him to pack up his family and everything he owns, to leave the only home he’s ever known, and to go to the land God will show him.  God calls Abram, and…

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The Voice of the Lord

For today’s meditation, try the practice of Lectio Divina (Latin for “divine reading”) as explained by The Upper Room and see what God reveals to you through His Word. Learn how to practice Lectio Divina here.

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