Sharing Our Story

DAILY READING Psalm 77Nehemiah 9:9-15Romans 14:13-15:2This weekend’s reading:  Proverbs 15:1-7 FIELD NOTES The book of Nehemiah tells the story of the newly returned Israelites from exile. The fragile community suffers under the Greek occupation of their ancestral home, leading to internal strife and division. Governor Nehemiah seeks to restore cultural unity among the people by…

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Living By Faith

DAILY READING Psalm 77Joshua 3:1-17Hebrews 11:23-29This weekend’s reading: Proverbs 15:1-7 FIELD NOTES When I was a hospice chaplain, one of my patients was a 97-year-old woman from Jamaica named Betty. Talking with her was the highlight of my day. Though Betty was full of joy and laughter, she hadn’t had an easy life. Growing up in…

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All-In | August 17, 2019

DAILY READING Matthew 15:1-9Psalm 119:1-8 FIELD NOTES We can do everything right.  We can go through the motions perfectly.  We can obey every rule or ethic code, or whatever it may be.  Yet if our heart isn’t in it, if we aren’t sincere in our convictions, then what we do is shallow at best and…

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To Forgive… | August 16, 2019

DAILY READING 1 John 2:7-17Psalm 119:1-8 FIELD NOTES Look, we can all admit that relationships are hard.  People mistreat you.  They gossip about you. They attack your character.  Perhaps even worst of all, they completely ignore you.  And yet, we see in the text that if we hate, we are still “in the darkness.”  Do…

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It Was Us All Along | August 15, 2019

DAILY READING James 1:12-16Psalm 119:1-8 FIELD NOTES “It is funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds: in reality our best work is done by keeping things out.” The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis God didn’t make us do it.  Neither did the devil.  It was us all along.  We let our own…

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Recognition | August 14, 2019

DAILY READING John 8:12-30Psalm 119:105-112 FIELD NOTES Scholar N.T. Wright says about Jesus in his book, John for Everyone: “He and his father are giving evidence that he is the Messiah; but if this is so, he is bringing the light that they cannot escape.  As he has come to realize, at the heart of Israel…

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Not Abandoned | August 13, 2019

DAILY READING 2 Corinthians 4:1-12Psalm 119:105-112 FIELD NOTES Is there anything worse than the feeling of hopelessness?  I am hard-pressed to think of a worse feeling.  And yet, unfortunately, all of us will eventually be in that space.  Eventually, we all find ourselves in a moment where the odds seem stacked against us.  Maybe our…

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We Are Not Special | August 12, 2019

DAILY READING Romans 11:2-10Psalm 119:105-112 FIELD NOTES This sobering passage reminds us of this simple truth: we are not special.   Sometimes our desires for ourselves cloud our view of those around us.  We let jealousy, and really, our own sense of superiority dim us to the light of those we deem unworthy. Henri Nouwen…

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