The Golden Rule

May 6, 2019 DAILY READING Today’s reading: Matthew 7:7-12This week’s challenge: PRAY FIELD NOTES Welcome to the BUMC Love Your Neighbor Challenge! Each Monday for 8 weeks, we’re using the Field Guide to share a church-wide challenge that is designed to help us form meaningful relationships with our geographic neighbors based on the Scripture reading…

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The Hospitality of Abraham and Sarah

May 4, 2019 DAILY READING Psalm 30Genesis 18:1-8Luke 14:12-14This weekend’s reading: Matthew 7:7-12 FIELD NOTES Andrei Rublev’s icon (15th c) shows God’s representatives sitting around Abraham and Sarah’s table. Abraham’s house is in the background beside the “Oak of Mamre” and Mt. Moriah. This threesome was also Rublev’s stand-in for the Holy Trinity—Russian Orthodoxy forbade…

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That at the Name of Jesus Every Knee Should Bend

May 3, 2019 DAILY READING Psalm 30Isaiah 6:1-4Revelation 4:1-11This weekend’s reading: Matthew 7:7-12 FIELD NOTES John’s vision in Revelation is most remembered for its depiction of the battle with the destructive powers of evil, but before the beast and the bottomless pit come into the picture, John assures his beloved community that all is not…

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Rejoicing in the Morning

May 2, 2019 DAILY READING Psalm 30Isaiah 5:8-17Revelation 3:14-22This weekend’s reading: Matthew 7:7-12 FIELD NOTES We’ve been reading this week about celebrating God’s great victory for life, and we remember that we are still in the Easter season. Isaiah cautions us to focus on the reason we celebrate and the way we go about it.…

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Celebrating God’s Deliverance

May 1, 2019 DAILY READING Psalm 122Esther 9:1-5, 18-23Luke 12:4-12This weekend’s reading: Matthew 7:7-12 FIELD NOTES As soon as their enemies were overcome, Mordecai sent out instructions to the Jews for a great celebration: two days of joyful giving and feasting—known as Purim—to be observed in perpetuity (celebrated in 2019 on March 21 and 22).…

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Be Like Esther

April 30, 2019 DAILY READING Psalm 122Esther 8:1-17Revelation 2:8-11This weekend’s reading: Matthew 7:7-12 FIELD NOTES May you be like Ruth and like Esther. / May you be deserving of praise.Strengthen them, O Lord, / And keep them from the strangers’ ways.                                                                        Fiddler on the Roof, “Sabbath Prayers” Ruth and Esther are Biblical women who were regarded…

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Remembering Sunday

April 29, 2019 DAILY READING Psalm 122Esther 7:1-10Revelation 1:9-20This weekend’s reading: Matthew 7:7-12 FIELD NOTES In today’s readings, we see two exiles, isolated for their faith. Esther’s family and other Jews in exile had been freed by Cyrus, but some chose to stay in Persia.  With a new king on the throne, the Jews were…

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Comparing Self with Others?

April 27, 2019 DAILY READING John 21:20-22This weekend’s reading: John 21:15-17 FIELD NOTES Peter looks at the disciples and then notices John.  He asked, “Jesus, what about him?”  There is a nuance here that many of us miss.  The nuance is, “Jesus, you still want me to lead your church.  But what about John?  Shouldn’t…

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