It’s Not Possible

May 9, 2018   DAILY READING Psalm 93Deuteronomy 11:18-21Mark 16:19-20This weekend’s reading: Psalm 139 FIELD NOTES Today’s writing time has been filled with distractions and at the same time, the interruptions have been incredibly on point. A dear friend is in the process of dying and my mind is so full of ‘NO’. “Where are you…

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Fight the Good Fight

May 8, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 93Deuteronomy 11:1-171 Timothy 6:13-16This weekend’s reading: Psalm 139 FIELD NOTES Fight the good fight. Take hold of eternal life (1 Timothy 6:11-12). These are big visions, big messages, big commands. These words sound heroic, honor filled, lofty, magnificent, glorious, Holy! Realistically, however, they are a call to Obedience with a…

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No Trifling Matter

May 5, 2018  DAILY READING Psalm 98Deuteronomy 32:44-47This weekend’s reading: 2 Timothy 3:14-17 FIELD NOTES In our passage today, Moses tells the Israelites that they should take to heart all the words of the law and the covenant and to be sure and teach them diligently to their children. Then he says, “This is no trifling…

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A Servant Song for Us

May 4, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 98Isaiah 42:5-9This weekend’s reading: 2 Timothy 3:14-17 FIELD NOTES This passage of scripture from Isaiah is one of the “Servant Songs” in Isaiah. Scholars have differing opinions of who the Servant is. Some believe the Servant represents Israel; some believe it is the Messiah; and others believe the Servant can…

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A New Revelation

May 3, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 98Acts 10:1-34This weekend’s reading: 2 Timothy 3:14-17 FIELD NOTES I grew up in the South — back when it was much more isolated and provincial than it is now. For example, I knew only one Catholic family whose kids went to my elementary school, and until I was a teenager…

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A New Heaven and Earth

May 2, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 80Isaiah 65:17-25This weekend’s reading: 2 Timothy 3:14-17 FIELD NOTES Sometimes I think about heaven — what it will be like, whether we will recognize our loved ones, whether we’ll have some sort of body, and if so, what age will it be? Will I get to live in eternity as…

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Sowing Seeds of Peace

May 1, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 80James 3:17-18This weekend’s reading: 2 Timothy 3:14-17 FIELD NOTES Looking at this world, listening to the news or reading social media posts, it’s pretty evident that peace is in short supply. Do you ever wonder why human beings can’t seem to behave decently toward one another? The writer of James…

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The Fruit of the Spirit is Not a Coconut

April 30, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 80Galatians 5:16-26This weekend’s reading: 2 Timothy 3:14-17 FIELD NOTES Today’s reading is familiar to many of us. The “Fruit of the Spirit” is something we see embroidered on tea towels or written in fancy calligraphy on posters. There’s even a children’s song that goes, “The fruit of the spirit is…

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