
January 19, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 62:5-12 This weekend’s reading: Daniel 3:13-30 FIELD NOTESSilence can often be both friend and foe. Growing up in a big (and musical) family, I often longed for silence, and it often rarely came. Now as an adult, I find that I can seek out and acquire silence on my…

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January 18, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 62:5-12 This weekend’s reading: Daniel 3:13-30 FIELD NOTESPsalm 62 is one of my favorite psalms, due largely in part to the words put to a beautiful song that I have loved for years (click here to listen). Another thing that happens to be a favorite thing of mine is…

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January 17, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 86:11-17 This weekend’s reading: Daniel 3:13-30 FIELD NOTES The word “steadfast” is one of my favorite words of the English language. I think this is because it is one of the most comforting, descriptive words that we have for the character of God. Synonyms for steadfast included faithful, loyal,…

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January 16, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 86:3-10 This weekend’s reading: Daniel 3:13-30 FIELD NOTESHave you ever had a day where you seem to be missing everyone? Every call, text or email seems unanswered or straight to voicemail. In the workplace it can be a huge inconvenience, and, personally, it can make you question your relationships…

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January 15, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 86:1-4 This weekend’s reading: Daniel 3:13-30 FIELD NOTESMany years ago, I attended a woman’s retreat in the snowy mountains of South Korea. The keynote speaker was a dynamic woman named Esther Fleece, unknown to me, but deeply passionate about the message God had given her. She began the retreat…

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Walking Through Fires

January 13, 2018 DAILY READING Daniel 3:1-30 This weekend’s reading: Daniel 2:1-16 FIELD NOTESThe king saw Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace. Then he noticed a fourth person with them who appeared to be like a god. The king then told them to come out of the furnace. The three were not hurt.…

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Ten Brave Soliders for Christ

January 12, 2018 DAILY READING Daniel 3:1-30 This weekend’s reading: Daniel 2:1-16 FIELD NOTESAccording to legend, the Roman army had a brave and gallant unit of one-hundred soldiers, who were Christians, also noted for practicing their faith. The Roman Emperor created an image of himself and decreed that all Roman citizens and soldiers would bow…

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Worshiping Leaders

January 11, 2018 DAILY READING Daniel 3:1-30 This weekend’s reading: Daniel 2:1-16 FIELD NOTESArriving to a former church I pastored, a member hugged me and with a big smile said, “I want you to know that I haven’t been back to church since the last Sunday you preached.” What he thought was a compliment, I…

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Listening to Jesus

January 10, 2018 DAILY READING Daniel 3:1-30 This weekend’s reading: Daniel 2:1-16 FIELD NOTESShadrach, Meshach, and Abednego chose to listen to God, not to humans. Wallace Chappell, Davis Chappell’s father, was sitting in front of me at a session of our Tennessee Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. A visiting bishop was preaching one…

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