Offering Plates – Means of Grace and a Portal for Ministry

Monday, November 20, 2017 DAILY READING Romans 15:22-33 This weekend’s reading: Matthew 25:31-46 FIELD NOTESOur confirmation class led worship on Confirmation Sunday. The girl introducing the offering said, “This is our confirmation book. Our church paid $10 for me to have this book. We’ve learned a lot through this book. I want you to know,…

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Don’t Judge

November 18, 2017 DAILY READING Romans 14:1-4 This week’s sermon text: Romans 15:14-29 FIELD NOTESThese four short verses remind us of the importance of Christian community. As Christians, we are called to welcome all, to live in community with people who might think differently than us, and not to judge someone because they believe or…

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Advice for Disciples

November 17, 2017 DAILY READING James 5:1-12 This week’s sermon text: Romans 15:14-29 FIELD NOTES The book of James is filled with advice for believers. When we think about what it means to be a disciple, someone who lives intentionally in the name of Jesus, several lessons arise from chapter 5. Disciples do not lift…

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People First

November 16, 2017 DAILY READING 1 Corinthians 8 This week’s sermon text: Romans 15:14-29 FIELD NOTESIn chapter 8 of 1 Corinthians, Paul takes up the question of whether or not Christians should eat meat that has been sacrificed to idols. Such meat was commonly sold in the marketplace and might be the main course of…

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Hold Each Other Accountable In Love

November 15, 2017 DAILY READING Luke 17:1-4 This week’s sermon text: Romans 15:14-29 FIELD NOTESMany of the passages this week talk about stumbling blocks and living in such a manner that you do not cause someone else to stumble. Today’s verses also talk about accountability. Disciples are called to hold each other accountable in love.…

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November 14, 2017 DAILY READING Mark 10:42-45 This week’s sermon text: Romans 15:14-29 FIELD NOTESWe want to be great, right? We seek approval, applause, power, and position. These things are what our culture often values, and so they become the things that we chase after, that we pursue single-mindedly. James and John – a few…

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Stumbling Blocks

November 13, 2017 DAILY READING Romans 14:13-23 This week’s sermon text: Romans 15:14-29 FIELD NOTESIn this passage of Romans, Paul is encouraging the believers not to cause one another to stumble. Paul reminds us that our actions have an impact on our neighbors. What I do can be a hindrance to faith for someone else.…

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Enjoying One Another in God

November 11, 2017 DAILY READING Hebrews 12:1-3 Hebrews 13:7 Psalm 23 This week’s sermon text: Romans 14:13-23 FIELD NOTESIn the 1984 movie Places in the Heart Sally Fields won an Oscar playing a depression-era widow in Texas, trying to hold on to the family farm; the bank is waiting to foreclose. The movie details her…

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