I Once Was Blind, But Now I See

DAILY READING Mark 8:22-26 FIELD NOTES Jesus healed a blind man’s eyes with his saliva and his touch. Can you imagine the change this wrought in the man’s life? No longer forced to beg, the man could now work and earn a living and support himself and his family. Healing changed not only his physical…

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Repairing the Walls

DAILY READING Nehemiah 1:1-11 FIELD NOTES After Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 BC, the Temple was laid waste and the walls of the city were broken down. The once-proud city of David was in shambles and its remaining people were destitute and starving. 00Nearly 150 years later, a Jewish man serving the…

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Try It, You’ll Like It

DAILY READING Psalm 34:1-8 FIELD NOTES When my children were small, we had a rule at our dinner table — you didn’t have to eat everything on your plate, but you had to at least try a bite before you announced, “I don’t like this!!” As parents, we knew something our kids didn’t — sometimes…

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You Know It— Now Do It

DAILY READING John 13:1-17 FIELD NOTES When I was in high school at a small private Christian school, my New Testament teacher did something I’ll never forget. In a lesson about Jesus’ humility and servant leadership, we read the passage from John 13 where Jesus took off his robe, tied a towel around his waist,…

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The Impossible Dream

DAILY READING Mark 10:23-27 FIELD NOTES Several years ago, I went to South Africa on a mission trip with our church. I traveled with my daughter who had just graduated from high school, one of her best friends and her father, and several other members of the church. While we were there, we attended the…

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Subtract Something

DAILY READING Mark 10:17-31 FIELD NOTES The story of the rich young ruler is a saga of a man who had everything. He had money, reputation, respect and religion. He was the picture of piety and blessing. And yet, something was missing. Thus, he came to Jesus. “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” he asked.…

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DAILY READING Psalm 130 Luke 4:31-37 FIELD NOTES What does it mean to speak with authority? In today’s scripture passage, it is twice noted that Jesus teaches “with authority” and that this authority and power is the reason he is able to cast out demons. Authority means that there is something underlying and supporting the…

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Competitive Sacrifice

DAILY READING Psalm 130 2 Corinthians 8:1-7 FIELD NOTES We live in a competitive world; a world where the narrative is that resources are scarce, money is tight, and time is fleeting. In this narrative, we are often encouraged to gain all we can while we can and that the person with the most toys…

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For Whom Do We Boast?

DAILY READING Psalm 130 2 Corinthians 7:2-16 FIELD NOTES It’s important to note that, over the course of the Corinthian correspondence, Paul claims to boast in and of only two things: the cross of Christ and the Corinthian believers. In 1st Corinthians, Paul reminds the Corinthians that he could boast of much: his lineage, his education, his sacrifice,…

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