The Misunderstood Jesus

June 5,2021 DAILY READING Psalm 100 John 8:48-59 This week’s sermon text: James 3:1-12 FIELD NOTES Jesus was often misunderstood in his own time. Unfortunately, we sometimes still misunderstand who he is and what he came to do. We misunderstand Jesus when we think he only came to save the good church going people like…

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An Unlikely Messenger

June 4,2021 DAILY READING Psalm 31:1-5 Acts 7:1-16 This week’s sermon text: James 3:1-12 FIELD NOTES If we read further on from today’s scripture, we know that Stephen’s speech in front of the religious leaders was not ultimately successful. Stephen would end up being stoned to death for his testimony of Christ. But Stephen’s speech…

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June 3, 2021 DAILY READING Psalm 31:1-5 Acts 6:8-15 This week’s sermon text: James 3:1-12 FIELD NOTES It hurts to be falsely accused. It hurts when others attribute false motives for actions we feel are justified and needed. It hurts because our intentions might be pure, but we just can’t control what others might say…

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The Boldness of a Mother’s Love

June 2, 2021 DAILY READING Psalm 100 Matthew 20:17-28 This week’s sermon text: James 3:1-12 FIELD NOTES Today’s scripture reminds us of the remarkable love of a mother. These two sons of Zebedee, for whatever reason, don’t ask Jesus for a place of prominence. But their mother will! She begs Jesus for her sons to…

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A Formula for Faith

June 1, 2021 DAILY READING Psalm 100 Hebrews 13:20-21 This week’s sermon text: James 3:1-12 FIELD NOTES Today’s scripture passage is a benediction, a closing statement of God’s grace for believers. But in this powerful closing statement of Hebrews, we also receive a succinct formula for God’s salvation of all people. The formula starts with…

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The Upside-Down Leadership of the Gospel

May 31, 2021 DAILY READING Psalm 100 1 Peter 5:1-5 This week’s sermon text: James 3:1-12 FIELD NOTES When most people think about the world’s great leaders, they imagine figures that can command people’s attention, that demand respect from others, that are brilliant orators, or that can bend other people’s will to their own, even…

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Would-Be Followers (Dr. Davis Chappell)

This week’s preacher: Dr. Davis Chappell. We continue our series on the people of Jesus called “Kindred Hearts.” This series is the last in our year-long focus on intentional discipleship called “Walking with Jesus.” Learn how you can be more intentional in your walk with Jesus at Our Scripture reading: Luke 9:57-62

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Sermon on the Mount

May 28, 2021 DAILY READING Matthew 5:1-12 [Psalm 33:12-22] FIELD NOTES From The Voice translation: “And He began to teach them. Jesus: Blessed are the spiritually poor—the kingdom of heaven is theirs.     Blessed are those who mourn—they will be comforted.     Blessed are the meek and gentle—they will inherit the earth.     Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for…

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May 28, 2021 DAILY READING Romans 8:14-17 [Psalm 33:12-22] FIELD NOTES I think of some of my favorite books and movies– how many are underdog stories? The Lord of the Rings is about how the smallest, most inconsequential beings in all of Middle-Earth are ultimately what it needs to defeat evil. In Hoosiers, a troubled…

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May 27, 2021 DAILY READING Acts 2:1-11 [Psalm 33:12-22] FIELD NOTES In high school, I went on a mission trip with an organization to the Florida panhandle.  We helped fix up a home in a very poor fishing village just outside of Pensacola.  One night, the mission organization invited all of the groups to attend a very…

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