
July 9, 2020 DAILY READING Romans 2:12-16 FIELD NOTES My three-year-old is learning about obedience lately.  What I mean to say is, he is learning about what happens when you are disobedient.  Time out has become a second home for him the last few weeks.  The thing is, his heart is pure and good.  He wants to do good,…

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Jesus Washes His Disciple’s Feet

July 8, 2020 DAILY READING John 13:1-17 (NIV) Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end. 2 The evening meal was…

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July 7, 2020 DAILY READING Romans 3:1-8 FIELD NOTES When my dad was in the hospital, waiting on a liver transplant, things got pretty dark.  I have to admit there were nights when hope seemed far off– not to mention God.  I remember sitting at my friend’s house late one night, on the verge of a breakdown.…

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July 6, 2020 DAILY READING Genesis 27:30-46 FIELD NOTES Jealousy is the poison that kills joy in our hearts.  We can be happy, healthy, and on our way when we see someone who is better off, in a better position, and we immediately forget about how good we have it.  It’s sad, really. I wonder why we…

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Growing Deep

This week we have a special guest preacher, Bishop Bill McAlilly of the future Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference. Our Scripture reading: Jeremiah 17:7-14

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Waiting on God

July 4, 2020 DAILY READING Psalm 119:161-168 161 Rulers persecute me without cause,    but my heart trembles at your word.162 I rejoice in your promise    like one who finds great spoil.163 I hate and detest falsehood    but I love your law.164 Seven times a day I praise you    for your righteous laws.165 Great peace have those who love your law,    and nothing can make them stumble.166 I wait for your salvation, Lord,    and…

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July 3, 2020 DAILY READING Romans 7:7-20 FIELD NOTES How do we take control of sin in our lives?  First, we have to acknowledge it.  We have to admit we are committing a sin.  Secondly, we have to truly repent—turn away from it.  If we have hurt people we should seek amends.  We must make restitutions.  We have to realize our…

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July 2, 2020 DAILY READING Romans 7:1-6 FIELD NOTES I think when we talk about self-control, we often neglect to talk about legalism.  Legalism is when we define our faith by doing what we think is right rather than what we think is wrong.  Legalism is when our faith is defined by what we do, rather than…

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Mold Me

July 1, 2020 DAILY READING Jeremiah 18:1-11 At the Potter’s House 18 This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord: 2 “Go down to the potter’s house, and there I will give you my message.” 3 So I went down to the potter’s house, and I saw him working at the wheel. 4 But the pot he was shaping from…

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Doubt and Certainty

June 30, 2020 DAILY READING 1 John 4:1-6 FIELD NOTES I wonder sometimes what it is like to just know everything.  I wonder what absolute certainty must feel like.  Doubt is a real thing in my life and I have always, and will probably always struggle with it.   One of my biggest challenges of self-control is not…

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