July 13, 2017

Signs from God

July 13, 2017

Daily Reading

Exodus 3:1-6

Psalm 119:105-112

Romans 2:12-16

This week’s sermon text: Mark 6:30-32

Field Notes
How many times I have wished that God would send me a burning bush! We face so many decisions, big and small, in life. Should I change jobs? Move closer to an ailing parent? Adopt a child? It seems it would make life much easier if God would speak to me like He did Moses – through a giant burning bush. The answers to my prayers and questions would be so obvious! I have yet to see a burning bush, but I do think God often speaks to all of us through the advice of Christians around us, through Scripture, and even through nature – God’s creation. While most of us won’t hear God in a burning bush, we can respond to God the same way Moses responds. When God calls to him, Moses says, “Here I am.” He’s scared and nervous, I’m sure, but he responds to God with faithfulness, and so can we.

Questions for the Field

  • Is there a particular area of your life or decision where you need to discern God’s will?
  • How is God speaking to you? How have you heard God speaking to you before?

Family Field Talk

  • How have you heard God speaking to you?

Prayer Guide
Loving and gracious God, I lift my prayers to You today. In those places where I am discerning Your will, speak to me. Help me hear You even when the answer comes in less obvious ways, and help me be faithful to Your call. Amen.