April 29, 2020

Love Reveals Truth

April 29, 2020


John 21:1-14


I can remember many times in my life when love was shown to me by someone, and it opened my eyes to a truth unknown to me up until that point.  

But the most memorable was during a mission trip to Bayou La Batre, Alabama.  We were working on the home of a family whose sole living came from shrimping.  If you’ve seen the movie Forrest Gump, you know that the main commercial industry in Bayou La Batre is shrimping.  Well this family had a tiny boat, and only a few nets.  They lived off the very little shrimp they were able to catch that weren’t caught by the commercial shrimping boats.  

They had nothing basically. 

On our last day, we were getting ready to wrap up for lunch when one of the owners drove up and pulled from his car 4 pizzas from Pizza Hut.  It was barely enough to feed us.  And yet, it probably cost them more than they should have spent on anything.  It was an act of love, giving all they had, to feed us.  And it wrecked me.  I had never seen such sacrifice in my life.  And it showed me how love can reveal truth in a profound way.  These people weren’t just loving us, but they were teaching us a lesson about giving, sacrifice, and thankfulness.  It was one of the most amazing ministry experiences I’ve ever had.


  • What truth has love revealed in your life?  


  • How can we love our family today?


God, you speak to us in multitudes of ways.  Speak to us through love, and speak through us as we love.  Amen.  


Over the next nine weeks, we are offering daily prompts for applying the wisdom from the scriptures to our everyday lives. Each week focuses on how we can encourage those around us and bear fruit! This week we are focusing on the fruit of love.

“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
John 13:34-35

Who can you share this scripture with to encourage today?

To learn more about the Fruit of the Spirit challenge, click here.