Posts by jhumphries
February 15, 2019 DAILY READING Psalm 1This weekend’s reading: Revelation 3:7-13 FIELD NOTES“They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season, and their leaves do not wither” (Psalm 1:3). Whenever I read this psalm, and this verse in particular, I am reminded of my mother. Her name was…
Read MoreThe Day of Love
February 14, 2019 DAILY READING Acts 13:26-34This weekend’s reading: Revelation 3:7-13 FIELD NOTESHappy Valentine’s Day! It’s the day of red paper hearts and frilly white doilies and heart-shaped red foil boxes filled with chocolate candies; the day when we celebrate love and eat little candy hearts that say, “Kiss me” or “Be mine.” The origins…
Read MoreOpening Doors
February 13, 2019 DAILY READING Luke 5:27-32This weekend’s reading: Revelation 3:7-13 FIELD NOTESMany years ago, the YMCA in downtown Nashville was a “men only” facility. Women were not permitted to be members or use the facilities. In the late 1970s and early 1980s there were more and more women working downtown — women who wished…
Read MoreThe King Who Couldn’t
February 12, 2019 DAILY READING 1 Samuel 9:15-10:1This weekend’s reading: Revelation 3:7-13 FIELD NOTESIn today’s reading, the prophet Samuel is sent to anoint Saul to be the first king of Israel. Listen to Saul’s response when Samuel tells him that he has been chosen by God to be king, “But I am only a Benjaminite,…
Read MoreWorthy of Worship
February 11, 2019 DAILY READING Psalm 115This weekend’s reading: Revelation 3:7-13 FIELD NOTESIt has always impressed me that the people of ancient Israel were so advanced in their theology compared to the civilizations around them. While the Canaanites were worshipping idols made of wood, stone, or precious metals, the people of Israel had come to…
Read MoreBalance
February 9, 2019 DAILY READING Luke 4:42-44This weekend’s reading: Revelation 3:1-6 FIELD NOTESEven Jesus needed rest. Throughout the New Testament, we read that Jesus often went away to a quiet or deserted place to pray. Here we see him doing just that, but the crowd follows. His work is never done. He tells them he…
Read MoreGratitude
February 8, 2019 DAILY READING Psalm 138This weekend’s reading: Revelation 3:1-6 FIELD NOTESSomeone once asked, “If you woke up tomorrow and only had that which you gave thanks for today, what would you have?” I read a study a few years ago that demonstrated the changes gratitude produces in the human brain. When persons in the…
Read MoreFrom Persecutor to Persecuted
February 7, 2019 DAILY READING Acts 9:19-25This weekend’s reading: Revelation 3:1-6 FIELD NOTESThe lie of the prosperity gospel is that through following Christ, our lives become richly blessed by worldly standards. We are indeed richly blessed in and through our faith, but this doesn’t always look like wealth, power, or prestige. Sometimes it’s quite the…
Read MoreAssurance | FEBRUARY 6, 2019
DAILY READING Psalm 56This weekend’s reading: Revelation 3:1-6 FIELD NOTESPsalm 56 is a psalm calling for trust in God under persecution. The psalmist proclaims, “in God I trust; I am not afraid.” “By assurance, John Wesley meant a state of mind and heart, not so much dreamy as durable. A sense of absolute trust in God does not…
Read MoreSimple Advice
February 5, 2019 DAILY READING 2 Kings 5:1-14This weekend’s reading: Revelation 3:1-6 FIELD NOTESI was complaining about something that had been weighing on me to a colleague. They looked at me and asked lovingly, “Have you prayed about it as much as you’ve talked about it?” Such simple advice I hadn’t yet tried. But sure enough,…
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