Posts by jhumphries

A Tube of Toothpaste

September 5, 2018 DAILY READING Mark 7:9-23This weekend’s reading: Genesis 11:1-9 FIELD NOTES I recently saw a post on Facebook by the parent of a child going into middle school. The parent asked the child to squirt an entire tube of toothpaste out onto a plate. When the tube was empty, the parent calmly asked…

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Turning the Other Cheek

September 4, 2018 DAILY READING 1 Peter 2:19-25This weekend’s reading: Genesis 11:1-9 FIELD NOTES Peter says Christ suffered so that we should follow in his steps (verse 21). “When he was abused, he did not return abuse; when he suffered, he did not threaten; but he entrusted himself to the one who judges justly” (verse…

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September 3, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 144:9-15This weekend’s reading: Genesis 11:1-9 FIELD NOTES Read Psalm 144:9-15. If you have time, read it through a couple of times. Often, I find new meaning upon a second or third reading. What a way to start a Monday! The Psalmist is full of praise for God, the one…

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Love What Is Right

September 1, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 45:6-7This weekend’s reading: Genesis 6:11-22 FIELD NOTES From The Voice translation:   O God, Your throne is eternal;    You will rule your kingdom with a scepter of justice.      You have loved what is right and hated what is evil. QUESTIONS FROM THE FIELD Do I also love what is right and hate…

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August 31, 2018 DAILY READING James 1:9-16This weekend’s reading: Genesis 6:11-22 FIELD NOTES From The Voice translation: If you are a brother of humble means, celebrate the fact that God has raised you up. If you are rich and seemingly invincible, savor the humble reality that you are a mere mortal who will vanish like a flower that…

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Everything Happens for a Reason?

August 30, 2018 DAILY READING James 1:1-8This weekend’s reading: Genesis 6:11-22 FIELD NOTES The old saying, “everything happens for a reason,” is pervasive in our culture, and has been shown to be untrue by many Christian authors.  Adam Hamilton says it best, I think when he says rather than everything happens for a reason, we…

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Prevenient Grace

August 29, 2018 DAILY READING John 15:16-25This weekend’s reading: Genesis 6:11-22 FIELD NOTES Prevenient Grace is grace that God bestows on us before we even are aware of who God is or what God does.  Prevenient Grace is where God chooses us before we choose to follow God.  Prevenient Grace is where God loves us…

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Psalm 11

August 28, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 11This weekend’s reading: Genesis 6:11-22 FIELD NOTES Our Psalm today is Psalm 11.  Read it.  Pray over it.  Remember that David, the author of this Psalm, faced many hardships in his life, and remained faithful.  Read his words and be encouraged.  Be sustained.  Be filled. QUESTIONS FROM THE FIELD In…

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A Father’s Instruction

August 27, 2018 DAILY READING Ephesians 6:1-4This weekend’s reading: Genesis 6:11-22 FIELD NOTES Raise your hand if you have a wild child? My kid is not quite 2 years old, and while he is so sweet, he also knows exactly which buttons to push to get a reaction out of Dad. Just the other night,…

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In Everything, Pray

August 25, 2018 DAILY READING Luke 11:5-13This weekend’s reading: Genesis 4:1-16 FIELD NOTES This is a hard scripture.  Jesus tells the disciples to be persistent in their prayers.  Persistence will pay off, he says, for God is like a father who takes care of his children.  And yet, how many of us have prayed and prayed…

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