Posts by Michele Crater

You Know It— Now Do It

DAILY READING John 13:1-17 FIELD NOTES When I was in high school at a small private Christian school, my New Testament teacher did something I’ll never forget. In a lesson about Jesus’ humility and servant leadership, we read the passage from John 13 where Jesus took off his robe, tied a towel around his waist,…

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The Impossible Dream

DAILY READING Mark 10:23-27 FIELD NOTES Several years ago, I went to South Africa on a mission trip with our church. I traveled with my daughter who had just graduated from high school, one of her best friends and her father, and several other members of the church. While we were there, we attended the…

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Subtract Something

DAILY READING Mark 10:17-31 FIELD NOTES The story of the rich young ruler is a saga of a man who had everything. He had money, reputation, respect and religion. He was the picture of piety and blessing. And yet, something was missing. Thus, he came to Jesus. “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” he asked.…

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DAILY READING Psalm 130 Luke 4:31-37 FIELD NOTES What does it mean to speak with authority? In today’s scripture passage, it is twice noted that Jesus teaches “with authority” and that this authority and power is the reason he is able to cast out demons. Authority means that there is something underlying and supporting the…

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Competitive Sacrifice

DAILY READING Psalm 130 2 Corinthians 8:1-7 FIELD NOTES We live in a competitive world; a world where the narrative is that resources are scarce, money is tight, and time is fleeting. In this narrative, we are often encouraged to gain all we can while we can and that the person with the most toys…

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For Whom Do We Boast?

DAILY READING Psalm 130 2 Corinthians 7:2-16 FIELD NOTES It’s important to note that, over the course of the Corinthian correspondence, Paul claims to boast in and of only two things: the cross of Christ and the Corinthian believers. In 1st Corinthians, Paul reminds the Corinthians that he could boast of much: his lineage, his education, his sacrifice,…

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Passing By

DAILY READING Psalm 119:113-128 Mark 6:45-52 FIELD NOTES In verse 48, there’s a short sentence that we modern readers of the Bible might get confused with. The verse says (in the NRSV): “He intended to pass them by.” What does that mean? Was Jesus on his way somewhere else and just thought walking on the…

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Safety By Another Way

DAILY READING Psalm 119:113-128 Acts 27:39-44 FIELD NOTES There’s nothing about this story from Acts that sounds or feels safe. After being pummeled in a storm for two weeks, the exhausted crew finally sees land, though they don’t recognize where they are or if the land is safe for them. And yet, having no other…

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The Least Likely Leader

DAILY READING Psalm 119:113-128 Acts 27:13-38 FIELD NOTES Paul’s journeys through the closing chapters of the Book of Acts are miraculous accounts of God’s provident grace in the midst of trial, hardship, and disaster. Paul, a Jewish/Christian prisoner, is the least likely to take the reins of leadership on a Roman ship, and yet this…

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