
Christ’s incarnation in our lives

DAILY READING Luke 1:26-38 FIELD NOTES One of the things that I love about ministry is hearing various faith testimonies from the congregation. Every single one of us has a story about how God has called us to action in some way, and the leap of faith that it takes us to answer that call.…

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The Miracle of the Poinsettia

DAILY READING Matthew 18:1-5 FIELD NOTES I have always loved poinsettia flowers, but I never knew why they were associated with Christmas and the season of Advent. Some decorate with poinsettias out of tradition or because the shape of the flower is thought to symbolize the Star of Bethlehem, but an old Mexican legend might…

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The Birds

DAILY READING John 1:14 FIELD NOTES Listen to this 1965 recording of Paul Harvey’s Christmas classic story titled “The Man and the Birds” Sometimes it is hard to follow God. We want something to hold on to, something we can see, something we can touch. God understands our human need to see and feel. Out…

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Lighting the way

DAILY READING Psalm 147:12-20 FIELD NOTES I lived in Albuquerque, NM, when I was a child and one of my favorite things about the month of December was that you could see luminaria everywhere. Luminaria are paper bags filled with sand, with a lit candle placed inside, making a lantern that glows in the night.…

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A seat for all at the table

DAILY READING Mark 12:41–44 FIELD NOTES A friend of mine recently shared a story with me about an experience he had with ministry based in a correctional facility. One of the units he visits is a protective custody unit for inmates who are trying to leave gang life. The Christians in the unit decided to…

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A gift for a child?

DAILY READING Matthew 2:9-12 FIELD NOTES Have you ever stopped to consider the gifts the Wise Men brought to honor Jesus? Gold, frankincense, and myrrh aren’t typical gifts for a child. Christ wasn’t born into a wealthy family, Mary and Joseph would have had no use for pageantry. However, the gifts are an important part…

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A gift for a King

DAILY READING Micah 6:6-8 FIELD NOTES I wonder if the Wise Men worried about the gifts that they would give to Jesus? Sometimes in December, in the excitement of Christmas, I get caught up in gift-giving. I want to find the perfect gift for the people I love. I can focus too much on the…

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The kingdom come!

DAILY READING Matthew 2 FIELD NOTES Frederick L. Hosmer’s 1981 hymn called “The kingdom come!” is a beautiful representation of the invitation given to each of us in Advent. In this season we are invited to share in the journey with the Wise Men, so joyful and overcome with anticipation that “When they saw the…

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If you lead Lord, I will follow

DAILY READING Psalm 25:1-10 FIELD NOTES The Psalm in today’s reading shows us how David expresses his desire for guidance, and that the Lord leads “with unfailing love and faithfulness all who keep his covenant and obey his demands” (v. 10). The question becomes, how do we receive God’s guidance in our lives? What does this look…

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