Navigating the Path
What does Navigating the Path mean?
Navigating the Path is the third step in the discipleship path. The resources on this page are for those who are ready to identify and use their gifts for service in the church and world. On this page you will find suggested practices to help guide you on this point in your journey, questions to consider, and recommended readings to dig a little deeper into your faith. Scroll down to see view the resources.

Suggested Practices
- Dedicate a time each day to prayer and studying the Scriptures
- Experiment with different styles of meditation and prayer (meditative breathing, centering prayer, etc.)
- Practice praying out loud in solitude
- Reflect on what you are grateful for in each prayer
- Reflect on your spiritual gifts and how you can use these gifts in service to the community and the church?
- Join and begin to serve with a BUMC ministry (Welcome Ministry, Student Ministry, BUMC Women, Point Men, BUMC Kids, or Congregational Care)
- Explore service opportunities outside the church
Recommended Readings
We've compiled a list of optional readings to help guide you on this part of your journey. Rather than an exhaustive list, these readings are designed to be resources that might be helpful to consider at this stage in The Journey. Check out these optional readings to dig a little deeper in your faith by clicking the button below.
Questions to Consider
*Note: Some of these questions were adapted from The Faith-Sharing New Testament With the Psalms (1996), prepared by H. Eddie Fox and George E. Morris.
Classes and Other Opportunities
Here are some other opportunities for those navigating the path:
- Join a Sunday School class
- Read the Daily Field Guide devotional
- Join the Welcome Ministry
- Connect with specific ministries like Student Ministry, BUMC Women, Point Men, or BUMC Kids
- Volunteer with Congregational Care
- Find a local or global serving opportunity
Not the right step?
If you don't think this is the right step or are wondering where you might be on the discipleship path, take our discipleship assessment to find out where you may be on The Journey.