Current Outreach

This summer, we’re offering ways for you to love our school-age neighbors – local students Harvest Hands Summer Camp June 10 – August 2 Harvest Hands is looking for volunteers to share special skills with the kids, including dance, art, music, cooking, coding, acting, etc.  Contact Chartrice Crowley at to sign up Build A…

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Christ’s Immeasurable Grace | July 6, 2019

DAILY READING Ephesians 4:1-7 FIELD NOTES Our devotions all week have revolved around how we can measure a person’s faith.  What are the marks of a disciple of Christ?  How do you measure spiritual growth?  I struggle with perfectionism.  Instead of seeing how God is using me or how I am growing in my faith,…

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The Measure of Love | July 5, 2019

DAILY READING 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 FIELD NOTES Sometimes when we use words and phrases like “Love like Jesus” or “motivated by love,” it is difficult to tangibly understand what we mean.  What does “love like Jesus” look like in the reality of the refugee crisis in Myannmar in 2017?  What does it mean to love…

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Measuring Our Faith | July 4, 2019

DAILY READING 1 John 4:16 FIELD NOTES “God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them.”  This week, Davis asked us in his sermon, “How might you measure a person’s faith?”  To measure a person’s height, you would use a yardstick or tape measure.  To measure a mile,…

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