Created to Be Like God

January 7, 2019 DAILY READING Ephesians 4:17-5:1This weekend’s reading: Revelation 2:1-7 FIELD NOTES “Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.” Here we are in the early days of the new year.  We make goals, resolutions, plans, to be better.  We want to lose weight.  We want to read our Bible from…

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January 5, 2019 DAILY READING John 1:10-18This weekend’s reading: Revelation 1:9-19 FIELD NOTESTomorrow is January 6 and in the Christian calendar it is celebrated as “Epiphany” — the twelfth day following Christmas which commemorates the day the wise men from the East visited Jesus and honored him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Merriam…

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Our Hearts Are God’s Home

January 4, 2019 DAILY READING Acts 7:44-53This weekend’s reading: Revelation 1:9-19 FIELD NOTESI’ve had the privilege of visiting several amazing and beautiful places of worship through the years — including York Minster in England; St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, and the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain. When one enters these wonders of engineering, architecture and…

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Hearing and Doing

January 3, 2019 DAILY READING Luke 8:16-21This weekend’s reading: Revelation 1:9-19 FIELD NOTESI like to read self-help books. Maybe the topic is time management — learning how to prioritize tasks, get things done, and achieve my highest goals. Or maybe the book is about fitness and health — “growing younger” or following a low-carb diet.…

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Love and Fear

January 2, 2019 DAILY READING Proverbs 1:1-7This weekend’s reading: Revelation 1:9-19 FIELD NOTESI took piano lessons throughout my childhood. Beginning as a first grader who could barely plunk out “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,” to my graduating recital when I played Chopin’s “Military Polonaise,” I studied with the same teacher — Mrs. J. Victor Barr. Mrs.…

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New Year’s Day

January 1, 2019 DAILY READING Psalm 147:12-20This weekend’s reading: Revelation 1:9-19 FIELD NOTESCharles Wesley published these words in 1750 for New Year’s Day worship. Let them be our prayer as we begin a New Year. Wisdom ascribe, and might and praiseTo God, who lengthens out our days,Who spares us yet another year,And lets us see…

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A Prayer for Wisdom

December 31, 2018 DAILY READING 1 Kings 3:5-14This weekend’s reading: Revelation 1:9-19 FIELD NOTESAs another year comes to a close today, you may find yourself looking back over the last twelve months and evaluating the results of your choices and decisions. Were they wise? Are you pleased with where your year took you? In today’s reading,…

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I Surrender All

December 29, 2018 DAILY READING Matthew 10:39This weekend’s reading: 1 Peter 1:13-16 FIELD NOTES “He that finds his life shall lose it, and he that loses his life for my sake shall find it.” Matthew 10:39 Judson W. Van de Venter says about his inspiration to write the hymn I Surrender All: The song was written while I…

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