Trained for Battle

October 11, 2017 DAILY READING Psalm 144 Song of Solomon 8:5-14 John 11:45-57 This week’s sermon text: Romans 12:1-8 FIELD NOTES Have you ever felt like you were in the middle of a war? Maybe you aren’t gun-slinging on the actual front lines of a physical war, but we all find ourselves in spiritual battles.…

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Ambassadors for Christ

October 10, 2017 DAILY READING 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 Psalm 119:46-49 Deuteronomy 5:22-6:3 This week’s sermon text: Romans 12:1-8 FIELD NOTES Each time I left my house to spend the day or weekend away, my mom would say, “Remember your last name!” It may sound like a weird or even prideful statement, but I knew exactly…

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Your Promise Preserves

October 9, 2017 DAILY READING Psalm 119:50 Deuteronomy 5:1-21 1 Peter 2:4-10 This week’s sermon text: Romans 12:1-8 FIELD NOTES David and the other psalmists experienced, and vulnerably expressed, the whole span of human emotion. They walked through significant sorrow and pain, but their stories never end there. They return again and again to a…

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Perfect Creation, Perfect Word

October 7, 2017 DAILY READING Psalm 19 This week’s sermon text: Romans 9:1-18 FIELD NOTES Have you ever experienced a sunrise or sunset that renders you completely speechless? Is there a place in this world, in nature, where your soul just feels closer to God? There are many ways to connect with God, but for…

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Free of Grumbling & Complaining

October 6, 2017 DAILY READING Philippians 2:14-18 This week’s sermon text:  Romans 9:1-18 FIELD NOTES “Paul does not pretend that working out the implications of the gospel into a lifestyle of practical humility is easy. But is necessary. When we apply the gospel to ourselves with the radical humility of Christ, we stand out in…

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October 5, 2017 DAILY READING Exodus 23:9 This week’s sermon text: Romans 9:1-18 FIELD NOTES Have you ever felt on the outside of something? Maybe it’s something as insignificant as an inside joke or event that happened, or maybe you feel there is a group of people who does things without you. Maybe you feel…

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The Faith of Friends

October 4, 2017 DAILY READING Matthew 9:2-8 This week’s sermon text: Romans 9:1-18 FIELD NOTES During Jesus’ ministry on earth, people came to him in many ways. Some boldly stood up to follow Him when called. Others held Him in the regard of a dear friend or family member and invited Him into their homes.…

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Advice for Leaders

October 3, 2017 DAILY READING Exodus 18:13-27 This week’s sermon text:  Romans 9:1-18 FIELD NOTES We know from Moses’ history that he never wanted to be a leader, but that God placed him in a role that he was destined for (Exodus 3). After leading God’s people out of Egypt, he was faced with directing…

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Love Much and Love Well

October 2, 2017 DAILY READING Philippians 1:3-11 This week’s sermon text: Romans 9:1-18 FIELD NOTES The church in Philippi was just a small part of Paul’s impact in leading and growing the early church. What we find in his opening statements to the Philippians are beautiful and eloquent statements of the love that he has…

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