Posts by jhumphries

The Rule of the Law

September 17, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 73:21-28Romans 3:9-20This weekend’s reading: Genesis 18:1-15 FIELD NOTES How do you know when you’ve done something wrong? What if you are driving down the road and have no idea what the speed limit is? Then, you look in your rearview mirror and see flashing blue lights. The officer explains you…

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The Gift of a Parable

September 15, 2018 DAILY READING Matthew 21:28-31This weekend’s reading: Genesis 12:1-9 FIELD NOTES Jesus told many parables, and often times they left both the disciples and the Pharisees with their heads scratching. As we read parables today as modern disciples, we can come at them from many different angels or through many different lenses. A…

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God’s Handiwork

September 14, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 19This weekend’s reading: Genesis 12:1-9 FIELD NOTES Take time today to read through Psalm 19 in the very handiwork that God has created. Find a quiet spot outside at home, or in your favorite walking or hiking spot, or even look out through the window in your office and…

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The Land of the Living

September 13, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 116:1-9This weekend’s reading: Genesis 12:1-9 FIELD NOTES Every year, the change of the seasons always provokes thoughts about the circle of life and the redeeming nature of our God. It I easy to see the beauty in the beautiful things, but not so easy to see the beauty in…

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A Small Faith

September 12, 2018 DAILY READING Matthew 17:14-20 This weekend’s reading: Genesis 12:1-9 FIELD NOTES Often times faith seems like a huge undertaking… we have to believe in the God of the universe who is bigger than anything we can ever imagine. Surely our faith in something so expansive and extravagant must also be expansive and…

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September 11, 2018 DAILY READING Hebrews 12:3-13This weekend’s reading: Genesis 12:1-9 FIELD NOTES A child does not understand that discipline is often for their own good. We as adults wish they could see the other side, but this is simply not something that children are capable of. How often do we revert to a childlike…

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September 10, 2018 DAILY READING Hebrews 12:1-2This weekend’s reading: Genesis 12:1-9 FIELD NOTES I am not a runner. Some people truly have a passion for lacing up their sneakers and heading out to put feet to pavement—air in their lungs, the wind on their face, and endorphins coursing through their veins. That is just not me.…

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In Whom Do You Trust?

September 8, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 146This weekend’s reading: Genesis 11:1-9 FIELD NOTES Just as we began the week with a psalm, so we now close the week with a psalm. Psalm 146 is again a psalm of praise, and a call to remember who it is we put our ultimate trust in. The psalmist…

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God’s Law

September 7, 2018 DAILY READING Romans 2:12-16This weekend’s reading: Genesis 11:1-9 FIELD NOTES Paul writes, “it is not the hearers of the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but the doers of the law who will be justified.” These words call to mind the parable of the Good Samaritan, in which Jesus makes the…

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The Fear of the Lord

September 6, 2018 DAILY READING Proverbs 1:1-19This weekend’s reading: Genesis 11:1-9 FIELD NOTES The Book of Proverbs may seem like a jumble of old sayings, but it is carefully constructed to teach us about applying wisdom to our daily life. Verse 7 begins, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” So what…

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