Posts by jhumphries

The Work is Never Done

April 21, 2018 DAILY READING Mark 6:30-34 This weekend’s reading: John 21:15-19 FIELD NOTESHave you ever had one of those days where you are running around doing a million things and finally sit down to take a rest when you realize you forgot something, or your kid wakes up from a nap and needs you, or…

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Bold in Faith

April 20, 2018  DAILY READING Acts 4:1-4 This weekend’s reading: John 21:15-19 FIELD NOTESIn the Book of Acts, we as readers are given a glimpse into the lives of Jesus’ disciples and the members of the Early Church.  Although they certainly don’t get it right all the time, these men and women are passionate missionaries for…

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Acting In Ignorance

April 19, 2018  DAILY READING Acts 3:17-26 This weekend’s reading: John 21:15-19 FIELD NOTESThe passage from Acts 3 comes right after the healing of a man who is lame, a man who is often ignored by the people that pass him day and night. Peter and John chastise the people for ignoring him and for their…

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Jesus Trusts In You

April 18, 2018  DAILY READING Mark 16:9-18 This weekend’s reading: John 21:15-19 FIELD NOTESIn our Mark passage for today, I am continuously convicted and challenged by verses 14 and 15.  They read: “Later [Jesus] appeared to the eleven themselves as they were sitting at the table; and he upbraided them for their lack of faith and…

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Craving Christ

April 17, 2018  DAILY READING 2 John 1-6 This weekend’s reading: John 21:15-19 FIELD NOTESIn the Old Testament, the Israelites lived out their faithfulness to God by following the Law.  They ate and drank (or didn’t eat and drink) certain things because God’s Law commanded it.  They performed certain rituals in a certain way because God’s Law…

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Love Is Friendship That Has Caught Fire

April 16, 2018  DAILY READING 1 John 3:10-16 This weekend’s reading: John 21:15-19 FIELD NOTES“The greatest of these is Love.”  “For this is the message you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.” “Love never fails.”  Love is possibly the most common theme throughout Scripture.  We are called to love God, each…

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We Are Like Kings

April 14, 2018  DAILY READING Psalm 4 Daniel 10:2-19 1 John 2:26-28 This weekend’s reading: John 20:24-29 FIELD NOTESIn C.S. Lewis’s famous children’s novel, “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,” the four Pevensie children are told that one day the fabled land of Narnia will be ruled over by four benevolent, human kings. It turns…

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Jesus, Lord, We Look to Thee

April 13, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 4 Daniel 10:2-19 1 John 2:26-28 This weekend’s reading: John 20:24-29 FIELD NOTES“Jesus, Lord, We Look to Thee”Words by Charles Wesley, 1749 Jesus, Lord, we look to thee;let us in thy name agree;show thyself the Prince of Peace,bid our strife forever cease. By thy reconciling loveevery stumbling block remove;each to…

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Right Teaching

April 12, 2018  DAILY READING Psalm 4 Daniel 9:1-19 1 John 2:18-25 This weekend’s reading: John 20:24-29 FIELD NOTES While the “antichrist” is sometimes associated with apocalyptic literature in the Bible (such as in the book of Revelation), here in 1 John 2:18-25, the writer is specifically talking about false teachers—literally, those who deny Christ. How does…

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