Posts by Michele Crater

A gift for a child?

DAILY READING Matthew 2:9-12 FIELD NOTES Have you ever stopped to consider the gifts the Wise Men brought to honor Jesus? Gold, frankincense, and myrrh aren’t typical gifts for a child. Christ wasn’t born into a wealthy family, Mary and Joseph would have had no use for pageantry. However, the gifts are an important part…

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A gift for a King

DAILY READING Micah 6:6-8 FIELD NOTES I wonder if the Wise Men worried about the gifts that they would give to Jesus? Sometimes in December, in the excitement of Christmas, I get caught up in gift-giving. I want to find the perfect gift for the people I love. I can focus too much on the…

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The kingdom come!

DAILY READING Matthew 2 FIELD NOTES Frederick L. Hosmer’s 1981 hymn called “The kingdom come!” is a beautiful representation of the invitation given to each of us in Advent. In this season we are invited to share in the journey with the Wise Men, so joyful and overcome with anticipation that “When they saw the…

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If you lead Lord, I will follow

DAILY READING Psalm 25:1-10 FIELD NOTES The Psalm in today’s reading shows us how David expresses his desire for guidance, and that the Lord leads “with unfailing love and faithfulness all who keep his covenant and obey his demands” (v. 10). The question becomes, how do we receive God’s guidance in our lives? What does this look…

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Word and deed

DAILY READING Mark 11:27-33 FIELD NOTES Have you ever had your integrity at work questioned?  Have you ever been accused by a friend or neighbor of something you didn’t do?  It’s pretty awful especially when you are trying to live with honesty and faithfulness.  In the Advent and Christmas season, I often get so caught up in the…

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A child of God

DAILY READING Jeremiah 1:4-10 FIELD NOTES A few years ago at Christmas, I had just given birth to our daughter.  She was the cutest and most perfect little nugget I had ever seen.  Holding her in my arms as I heard the Christmas story and passages like this one in Jeremiah really grew my perspective of who God is…

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I can’t wait!

DAILY READING Psalm 85:8-13 FIELD NOTES I can remember when I was little being so excited for Santa to come that I couldn’t fall asleep.  My little brother and I would always sleep in the same bed and we would stay up almost all night trying to guess what Santa would bring us and dream out…

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Preparing the way

DAILY READING Luke 21:34-38 FIELD NOTES This passage in Luke comes as a command after Jesus tells a parable about trees.  He says, “Look at the fig tree and all the trees; as soon as they sprout leaves you can see for yourselves and know that summer is already near.  So also, when you see these things…

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In that day…

DAILY READING Micah 4:6-13 FIELD NOTES I often wonder what the world would be like if the Kingdom of God finally fully reigned.  If the season of Advent is all about anticipating a Savior, I wonder what we anticipate as the Kingdom of God fully comes.  Is it that there is no more suffering?  No more cancer or…

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