
Great Expectations

DAILY READING Psalm 142 Acts 23:12-35 FIELD NOTES Today’s passage from Acts reads like an action movie — complete with intrigue, a plotted assassination and an escape by night under military protection. What was it about Paul that made him so dangerous to the religious establishment in Jerusalem? He was proclaiming the Good News of…

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Written in the Stars

DAILY READING Psalm 142 Amos 5:1-9 FIELD NOTES One of the first constellations I learned to identify in the dark winter sky was Orion. With its three bright stars aligned diagonally like the belt of a warrior, it was easy to spot on a clear night, striding across the eastern and southern skies. Throughout my…

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Sloooow Down

DAILY READING Exodus 31 FIELD NOTES Exodus’ commands on keeping the Sabbath in Exodus 31 are intense: “Keep the Sabbath, because it is holy for you. Everyone who violates the Sabbath will be put to death. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath, that person will be cut off from the people.”  Phew!  Now you won’t find me advocating…

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Our Intimate God

DAILY READING Psalm 139 FIELD NOTES How wonderful to know we worship a God that has searched us and known us, each and every one of us, and still loves us!  He calls us wonderful!  You are wonderful in the sight of God!  Our God is a god who intimately knows us and desires a personal relationship with…

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One of those Weeks

DAILY READING Psalm 20 FIELD NOTES This week was one of those weeks where the world just seemed to be throwing everything it had at me and those around me.  I was working my tail off and couldn’t seem to get everything done, falling exhausted into bed every night, too preoccupied with the next day’s to-do’s…

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Being Happy

DAILY READING Numbers 6 FIELD NOTES Recent studies have shown that depression and acute anxiety rates are on the rise, especially among youth and young adults starting at age 12.  The reasons are complex and complicated and I am far from a psychiatrist, but experts suggest that a lack of feeling deeper meaning and purpose in…

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Nothing Can Separate Us from the Love of Christ

DAILY READING Romans 8 FIELD NOTES When I was in high school, one of my absolute most favorite verses was found in Romans 8.  “Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will hardship, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? No… For I am convinced that neither death, nor…

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The Best Kind of Relationships

DAILY READING 1 Corinthians 2:1-10    FIELD NOTES Have you ever had one of those deep, authentic, wonderful relationships with someone where you feel like you can share anything and you won’t be judged?  You are both willing to share the deepest longings, hurts, and joys of life with each other and laugh, cry, cringe, and just…

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