Prayer for Pardon

August 3, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 51:1-12This weekend’s reading: Matthew 6:25-33 FIELD NOTES Psalm 51:1-12 from the Voice translation: Look on me with a heart of mercy, O God,    according to Your generous love.According to Your great compassion,    wipe out every consequence of my shameful crimes.Thoroughly wash me, inside and out, of all my crooked deeds.    Cleanse me from my sins.For I am fully aware of…

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August 2, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 51:10This weekend’s reading: Matthew 6:25-33 FIELD NOTES A story shared by Richard Rohr on today’s reading “Among the most powerful of human experiences is to give or to receive forgiveness. I want to share with you a personal story of forgiveness that happened in my family near the time…

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August 1, 2018 DAILY READING Isaiah 25:6-10This weekend’s reading: Matthew 6:25-33 FIELD NOTES I was talking to someone the other day about how we often take communion without really thinking or knowing what it means.  It’s something we do, but not something we fully understand.  Part of that is because there is some level of…

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July 31, 2018 DAILY READING 2 Samuel 11:22-27This weekend’s reading: Matthew 6:25-33 FIELD NOTES David is often lauded as one of God’s greatest followers in the Old Testament, but his life is not without major mistakes.  In the passage in 2 Samuel today, David is responsible for trying to cover up an affair by having…

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July 30, 2018 DAILY READING Psalm 111This weekend’s reading: Matthew 6:25-33 FIELD NOTES It’s about this time of the summer that my mind and spirit need to offer a great praise to God in Thanksgiving for the summer.  The grass is a bit crunchy from the heat, the weeds have overtaken the flower beds and…

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Jockeying for Power | July 28, 2018

July 28, 2018 DAILY READING Luke 14:12-14Psalm 116:1-4This weekend’s reading: Romans 3:20-24 FIELD NOTES Jesus is invited to dinner at a prominent Pharisee’s home.  He immediately begins confronting their hypocritical and ineffective theology.  They say nothing when he heals on the Sabbath.  They say nothing when he poses a moral question.  When he notices the…

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Be Holy | July 27, 2018

July 27, 2018 DAILY READING 1 Peter 1:13-16Psalm 116:1-4This weekend’s reading: Romans 3:20-24 FIELD NOTES The writer here implores us to put to death our sinful desires.  Our earthly nature, as he puts it, consists of our greed, lust, envy, anger, malice, etc.  We are instead, to be Holy.  How often do you find your…

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Joy In Searching | July 26, 2018

July 26, 2018 DAILY READING 1 Peter 1:8-12Psalm 116:1-4This weekend’s reading: Romans 3:20-24 FIELD NOTES Here in 1 Peter, we see that even the angels are seeking a deep relationship with God.  We seek and seek, and sometimes we seem to find ourselves where we want to be.  Often times, we fall short, due to…

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No Need for Signs | July 25, 2018

July 25, 2018 DAILY READING Matthew 12:38-42Psalm 114This weekend’s reading: Romans 3:20-24 FIELD NOTES In Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense, scholar N.T. Wright says this: “Jesus is, at the moment, present with us, but hidden behind that invisible veil which keeps heaven and earth apart, and which we pierce in those moments, such as prayer,…

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