
May 27, 2017Choice Daily ReadingJohn 8:21-30Psalm 93This week’s sermon text: James 4:13-17 Field NotesIn the preceding text, Jesus has forgiven a woman caught in adultery and says, “I am the light of the world.” People continued to ask questions about his identity and what his words meant. He is an enigma, as someone once said,…

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A Lovely Scolding!

May 26, 2017A Lovely Scolding! Daily ReadingEphesians 2:1-10Psalm 93This week’s sermon text: James 4:13-17 Field NotesEugene Peterson in The Message has done such a pointed paraphrase of today’s text that it needs to be shared fully. As long as I am getting a scolding (the same one Paul gave the Ephesians so long ago), it…

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The Feast of the Ascension of the Lord

May 25, 2017The Feast of the Ascension of the Lord Daily ReadingActs 1:1-11Psalm 93This week’s sermon text: James 4:13-17 Field NotesOn the 40th day after Easter, Jesus “ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty” (Apostles’ Creed). The day traditionally commemorates the mystery of the incarnation and the…

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That’s Life

May 24, 2017That’s Life Daily ReadingJohn 16:16-24Psalm 93This week’s sermon text: James 4:13-17 Field NotesThe disciples are concerned in two ways by what they hear Jesus saying. They do not understand the references to leaving and returning, and they surely must have felt fear, apprehension, and sadness at the thought of losing Jesus. They have…

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Beloved of God

May 23, 2017Beloved of God Daily Reading1 Peter 3:8-12Psalm 93This week’s sermon text: James 4:13-17 Field NotesRepay evil and abuse with a blessing! I’m busy right now thinking of how to ‘get back at you’ or ‘what I should have said’! What do you mean, repay evil and abuse with a blessing? Henri Nouwen, a…

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Paul and Julius

May 22, 2017Paul and Julius Daily ReadingActs 27:39-44Psalm 93This week’s sermon text: James 4:13-17 Field NotesThe text today is such a short vignette that one might ask, “Why is this here?”  Although Paul in the face of a storm does remind me of Jesus – steady, assured, and faith-filled – this brief bit of action…

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Choosing Trust

May 20, 2017Choosing Trust Daily ReadingJohn 14:27-29Psalm 66:8-20This week’s sermon text: James 4:1-12 Field Notes“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you…Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid” (v. 27). How many times have you heard these words of Jesus quoted at a funeral? I…

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Encouragement in the Storm

May 19, 2017Encouragement in the Storm Daily ReadingActs 27:13-38Psalm 66:8-20This week’s sermon text: James 4:1-12 Field NotesIn today’s reading, Paul is a prisoner of the Roman government and being transferred by ship to Rome, where he will stand trial. Apparently, it’s winter and not a favorable time for sailing, but the Roman centurion is determined…

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Relentless Blessing

May 18, 2017Relentless Blessing Daily ReadingGenesis 6:5-22Psalm 66:8-20This week’s sermon text: James 4:1-12 Field NotesThe story of Noah’s ark is among the most well known of all Bible stories. It figures prominently in Western historical imagination and even in our own popular culture. Think of all the children’s picture books and toys that tell the…

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