Examine Yourselves

DAILY READING Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45 Exodus 16:1-21 2 Corinthians 13:5-10 FIELD NOTES In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul encourages the church to examine themselves to see if they truly are living according to faith in Christ. The church at Corinth had begun to doubt Paul’s authority as Christ’s apostle, causing a crisis of…

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Bitterness and Complaining

DAILY READING Psalm 105:1-6, 37-45 Exodus 15:22-27 2 Corinthians 13:1-4 FIELD NOTES As anyone with survival skills will tell you, one of the most important things to find when lost in the wilderness is drinkable water. You won’t last long without it! When God brought his people out of slavery in Egypt, their first and…

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A Mentor’s Legacy

DAILY READING Psalm 77 2 Kings 2:1-18 Mark 11:20-25 FIELD NOTES This story in 2 Kings depicts Elisha sticking close to his mentor Elijah throughout a long journey so that he may witness Elijah’s being taken up to heaven. At the end of the journey, the mentor asks his student, “Tell me what I may…

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Sharing Our Story

DAILY READING Psalm 77 Nehemiah 9:9-15 Romans 14:13-15:2 FIELD NOTES The book of Nehemiah tells the story of the newly returned Israelites from exile. The fragile community suffers under the Greek occupation of their ancestral home, leading to internal strife and division. Governor Nehemiah seeks to restore cultural unity among the people by affirming their…

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Living By Faith

DAILY READING Psalm 77 Joshua 3:1-17 Hebrews 11:23-29 FIELD NOTES When I was a hospice chaplain, one of my patients was a 97-year-old woman from Jamaica named Betty. Talking with her was the highlight of my day. Though Betty was full of joy and laughter, she hadn’t had an easy life. Growing up in poverty…

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The Lord’s Prayer

DAILY READING Matthew 6:7-15 FIELD NOTES Again, from The Voice translation: 9 Your prayers, rather, should be simple, like this:     Our Father in heaven,         let Your name remain holy. 10      Bring about Your kingdom.     Manifest Your will here on earth,         as it is manifest in heaven. 11      Give us each day that day’s bread—no more, no less— 12 …

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The Lord Will Fight for You

DAILY READING Exodus 14:1-18 FIELD NOTES The Israelites are free.  They are on their journey away from Egypt.  And Pharaoh changes his mind.  He has lost his workforce.  He must get them back.  So he readies his army to go after them.   The Israelites see Pharaoh approaching and grow very fearful.  Moses encourages them not to be afraid, for God will…

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Do Not Be Surprised

DAILY READING 1 John 3:11-16 FIELD NOTES Michael Gungor, a Christian musician and author, recently made a statement on social media that was relevant to today’s passage.  He said:  “Love is the narrow path…demonizing the other and loving your own is the easy and natural thing to do.  The broad path that leads to destruction.” A provocative…

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DAILY READING Exodus 13:1-10 FIELD NOTES We’ve all been through hard times.  Some harder than others.  Our question today is: how do we remember those moments when God brought us through hard times?   The story of the Exodus is not a small story.  Many of our hardships will seem small compared to the plight of the Israelites.  And yet,…

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